Step 1- Production

Chipotle’s commodity chain begins with their livestock and produce being grown. Chipotle is unique compared to other food industries because they brand themselves as “Food with Integrity”. Chipotle highly values the animals and land that grows their livestock and produce. All of Chipotle’s pork comes from pigs that are given space to roam free and are not held in confinement. They receive their dairy and cheese from cows that are the opportunity to pasture on a daily basis. They value animals and think they should be treated respectfully and fairly. That is why they choose to partner with farmers and ranchers who treat their animals with dignity. This quality of Chipotle is attractive to customers who also value animals. Aside from just valuing the livestock they use, Chipotle also highly values the way their produce is grown. According to their website, all of the farmers they partner with are committed to growing produce in healthy and nutrient-rich soil. Chipotle also uses raw ingredients without artificial flavoring. They also prefer to get their ingredients from farmers rather than from factories. Chipotle believes in finding the best ingredients possible to make their meals. As of 2015, Chipotle’s food contains only non-GMO ingredients, which is rare to find these days. The amount that this brand genuinely cares about the livestock and produce they use in their food could be an important component to all of Chipotle’s success. Their customers trust that the company’s “food with integrity”.

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