
Aside from participating in leadership, service, and scholarship, the members of Chimes engage in various bonding and social events. Come back soon to see what we have been up to so far this semester!

11/30/2022 Tours of Orton Hall

The Ohio Staters Inc. organization took us on a tour of our campus building, Orton Hall. We were able to learn about the building’s history and see the bell.

1/31/2023 Movie Night! We voted to watch Zoolander (2001).

2/20/2023 Mental Health Night, with a painting arts and crafts activity and ice breakers.

2/23/2023 Trivia Night at Fives Above High!

Our group won a round of Trivia, and was awarded these prizes!

Check back for more information and find us on Instagram for more event updates: @osu.chimes