One source is our own textbook(which is going to be my source as well). Our textbook goes into great detail about the different stages of child development and how there are so many factors that influence it. Whether it’s heritage, what country you live in, have separated parents, nutrition, and so much more. The book describes these things so well and that’s why I enjoyed doing the quizzes because it really made me think about what I was reading. Another book is called Development During Middle Childhood: The Years From Six to Twelve by W. Andrew Collins, which describes how children develop from ages six or twelve, whether it’s cognitive, physical, emotional and social, etc. These different domains can tell you a lot about a child and what they’re going through. Also, give an insight on what their family is like and why it makes them who they are. Another book is called Middle Childhood Development: A Contextual Approach by Libby Balter Blume and Mary Jo Zember, which is also talks about the different aspects of middle childhood but through a different lens or perspective. Children in middle childhood are exposed to all sorts of things and their brain is developing so quickly that it scares them a lot of the times. When something happens that’s inevitable they’re not always ready for it and they’ll have to deal with it, no matter if they like it or not. That’s one of the rough things about life, that it don’t care sometimes and you just got to power through.