
Homework 6

ART 2100 Homework 6

  • Humans have binocular vision and see objects as two slightly different pictured from two points of view. Our brain makes an effort to analyze those pictures and merge them into one mentally
  • Sometimes, a two point perspective is not enough to realistically portray objects that are seen from far above or far below the horizon line. A three point perspective is usually used when a viewer has to turn his or her head up or down to see the object.
  • In a perspective drawing, to create flooring evenly measure equal distances. Then, extend lines from the vanishing point.
  • To draw a second door in one-point perspective- draw a line from the top of the doorframe towards the right. When this line hits the vertical line that we’ve already got, change it into a diagonal line that goes away from the vanishing point
  • When doing a drawing in two point perspective, the two vanishing points are on opposite sides of the horizon line, outside of the frame of the drawing.
  • When drawing a carpet, use only perspective convergences
  • To create a one point perspective street in a cityscape- draw the horizon line and the center vanishing point. Then, draw two lines from the vanishing out outwards towards the bottom of the paper (like an upside down “v”)