
Emily Chen’s G.O.A.L.S

Global Awareness:

Currently as a Morrill Scholar I have many opportunities to increase both my personal understanding of global diversity and inclusion and also that of OSU’s campus. My goal for the future is to be more involved in the Morrill Scholars program and potentially join more global engagement events and programs. I love learn about different cultures and engaging with people from different cultures and experiences, this engagement is something I hope to continue during my time at OSU. My goal is also to study abroad in a French speaking country, as that is the foreign language of which I am the most proficient, such as French or an African francophone.

Original Inquiry:

As a business major there are not my research opportunities, but one of my main goals is to acquire and internship in my junior or senior year at OSU. This will provide me with extremely valuable life and hands on experience in my preferred career field. This experience will help me not only learn a great deal about the Marketing field, but also help set me apart from my peers in my future job search.

Academic Enrichment:

Freshman has provided many challenges academically for me and my main goal is raise my GPA. It is currently not where I would like it to be and my goal is to raise it to a 3.5 GPA, which is usually what internships are looking for in their candidates. If I am able to raise my GPA, I would also like to try for the Honors Cohort in Fisher, which is a very selective and prestigious program. I am also looking forward to taking more classes directly related to my major in the forthcoming years. I also hope to diversify my education my taking up a minor in Fashion and Retail Studies, which allow me to expand my education beyond that of the business world.

Leadership Development:

Currently as a Freshman, I have not assume many leadership positions, but I hope to step things up next year. This past year I participated as an OWL and I applied to assume a larger leadership role in the OWL program, by participating as an OWL- C next year. Additionally I applied to teach a Digital Sandbox within my MMC scholars group, I am hoping to teach WordPress. I am also making it to a goal to apply for an executive board position in Unchained OSU next year. Additionally, one of my goals is to join more clubs and activities, through furthering my engagement on campus, I hope to develop my leadership skills some more.

Service Engagement:

This semester I was able to participate in Fisher Impact Day, which allowed me to help volunteer and make blankets for foster children, through an organization called My Very Own Blanket. This past year, I feel as if I have not done any community service, which is honestly very disappointing. One of my goals to join at least one service based organization such as Fisher Cares or a service based fraternity. I am making it a goal to go on one BUCK-I-SERV trip and help volunteer, before I graduate from OSU.

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