
Environmental Sustainability

The PowerPoint above is a presentation that my group members and I created as a way to compile the facts that we had learned while researching the seventh developmental goal, Environmental Sustainability, developed by The UN. We focused our research on the effects of the goal in China being as the environment in China is notorious for being relatively poor. Through this project we were able to increase our abilities of going from broad information to more specific in terms of how The UN has been working towards this particular goal in China while also deepening our understanding of the policies of this country. We also witnessed through the research how the culture of a place can affect the policies that are put in place and how those policies are enforced.

Prior to making the presentation, we had written up the facts that we had found in an essay format. To make the presentation, we took the information from the essay and summarized our findings into bullet points. The presentation itself isn’t thorough and for the most part, my group members and I put the overarching point on the presentation and elaborated on the point while giving the presentation. This allowed for more eye contact with the audience thus making the presentation more engaging and made communicating the message better. Presenting our findings without just reading off the slides allowed us to prove that we had truly learned something from this project and had the capabilities of presenting the topic.

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