About This Site

Hello. I just started using this site provided by OSU. Welcome to my blog!

Before we started, let me tell you a little anecdote I just found. Contrary to what I expected, u.osu.edu is actually completely independent* from osu.edu — a simple traceroute found that it is hosted by a company named Edublogs on an IP owned by ServerBeach in San Antonio, Texas.

Have a nice day!


* I’d like to thank George for correcting this in his informative comment below.

2 thoughts on “About This Site

  1. Well, it is not completely independent of osu.edu. The main Hostmaster of OSU has to approve that a osu.edu address be hosted on third-party servers.

    U.osu follows a model that is becoming popular in the higher education IT world. Hosting and maintaining a massive infrastructure for personal/professional websites might not be ‘worth’ the money that might entail. So we outsource the hosting part of it to a cloud service (in this case, EduBlogs,) but perform all the other value-added services (web development, support, training, etc.) that are ‘worth’ it. Other similar services include OSU’s BuckeyeBox service.

    U.osu is spearheaded by a group of units at OSU that wanted to provide this service to all individuals at OSU; you can read more here: https://u.osu.edu/blog/2013/08/29/what-is-u-osu-edu/

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