Week 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

Today’s high-tech brings us with convenience. At the same time, it can also be a cause of low productivity. For me, if I do not put my smartphone away while working on assignments, I will be easily distracted by it. So what can we do to reduce digital distractions? This week we learned how to use technology to manage technology. Let’s get it!

If you gain awareness of what distracts you, you will be well on your way to increase your ability to concentrate. As concentration increases, your memory, comprehension, and productivity will have a great enhancement. There are some tips for each of you!

  • To set yourself up by using a web app to block and limit websites that tend to waste your time and diminish your mood, like Freedom, SelfControl, or Cold Turkey.
  • To create a supportive environment. Different space creates different mood, so everyone needs his or her own space. With a comfortable study space, study efficiency will improved.
  • To set a timer for your focus time, and another for your break.
  • To use a brief personal browsing session as a reward for two hours of high-quality, focus work.
  • To have a manageable to-do-list each day.

You can also find tips on this site! https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/distractions.htm

Hope these tips are helpful to you!

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