One thought on “College Vision Collage

  1. Interesting story happening here Amanda! I think the diagonal or upward composition you created with this pink line really grounds the drawing. I also see some of the frottage technique incorporated here in the background, and I am happy that exercise seemed to strike a chord with you – and is used here! I also love the wordplay between college and college that is happening!

    I understand this collage as a depiction of the “uphill” battle that college can be. I also see you pointing out to the materiality of the college experience — the food, the dorms, the mascots, the technology, the money. And yet there are no books, papers, or any of the abstract things about learning that we see on this map. I may be interpreting this in a different way than you intended, but the pandemic has made us really think about the “essential” parts of the college experience as we move online, and the dorms and the food are definitely a part of what people consider the quintessential college experience and very significant to it. It is what pops up into our heads when we think of a university- despite whether that is a good or bad thing!

    I am interested to see how this collage will be translated in your drawing copy this week!

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