1985 Fuzhou Phonology: A Non-Linear Analysis of Tone and Stress. (vii + 550 pp.). Ph.D. dissertation (Department of Linguistics), University of Washington. (Advisor: Ellen Kaisse) Available from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Also available through one’s institution’s ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.)
1980 Zhong-shan Phonology: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis of a Yue (Cantonese) Dialect. (xiii + 659 pp.) M.A. thesis (Department of Linguistics), University of British Columbia. (Advisor: Edwin G. Pulleyblank) Available from Micromedia Ltd., Hull, Quebec, Canada. (Note: A much cleaner copy is available from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is also available through one’s institution’s ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.)
2024 Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 9. (This volume, in preparation, is the proceedings of papers presented at the 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects, held via Zoom on three evenings (30 November to 2 December 2023) at The Ohio State University, the first time that this international conference was held overseas.) Note: The Buckeye East Asian Linguistics series is open access.
2024 Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 8. Edited by Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan, and Zhiguo Xie. Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries.(This is a memorial volume dedicated to Professor Charles J. Quinn (1948-2023) in DEALL’s Japanese component, who passed away on 11 July 2023.)
2023 Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 7. Edited by Wei William Zhou, Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan, and Zhiguo Xie. (DEALL News) Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. (This volume includes two keynote speakers’ abstracts, one keynote speaker’s article, and 14 proceeding articles from the Fifth Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Forum (BEALF5) that took place on 28 October 2022 via Zoom at the OSU Columbus campus.)
2023 Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 6. Edited by Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan, and Zhiguo Xie. (DEALL News) Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. (This volume is dedicated to Professor James H-Y. Tai, Chinese linguistics faculty member in DEALL at OSU in 1986-1995.)
2019 Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 4. Edited by Hannah Dahlberg-Dodd, Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan, and Zhiguo Xie. Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. (This volume is the proceedings of the Third Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Forum, which was held at The Ohio State University on 22 October 2018.)
2016 Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 2. Edited by Mineharu Nakayama, Etsuyo Yuasa, Marjorie Chan and Zhiguo Xie. Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. (This volume is a Festschrift presented in honor of James Marshall Unger, Professor Emeritus of Japanese, on the occasion of his retirement from The Ohio State University in 2015.)
2008 Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Volume 43.2. (Guest editor of a special issue on second language acquisition; iii + 156 pages)
2008 Proceedings of the Twentieth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20). (co-edited with Hana Kang). Two volumes. Full-text PDF files at the updated NACCL website: <>. Columbus, OH: East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University. The Proceedings volumes are dedicated to Professor Edwin G. Pulleyblank (Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia), in honor of his 85th birthday (celebrated on 7 August 2007). (xxi + 1075 pages)
2003 Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Volume 38.2. (Guest editor of a special issue on Chinese computing; 148 pages)
1989 T’ang Studies. Number 7, guest-edited with Jennifer Jay. (Festschrift issue for Professor Edwin G. Pulleyblank)
1989 Proceedings of the Third Ohio State University Conference on Chinese Linguistics, with Thomas Ernst. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
1984 Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics. Seattle: University of Washington, 5 volumes.
1984 University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics, Number 8.
1982 University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics: Papers from the 1981 Annual Meeting of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), Number 7.
1981 University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics, with Karen Zagona, Number 6.
1997-1999 DEALL Newsletter. Issue No. 1 (Spring 1998, inaugural issue) and No. 2 (Spring 1999)
2000 International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) Newsletter. (co-edited with Hongming Zhang and Min Zhang)
1999 International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) Newsletter. (co-edited with Chaofen Sun)
1999 Modern Cantonese Phonology. By Robert S. Bauer and Paul K. Benedict. [Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 102] Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997. Review published in: Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale (1999) 28.1: 101-112.
1998 Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar. By Stephen Matthews and Virginia Yip. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. Review published in: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 33.3 (October 1998): 97-106.
1993 The Prosody of Mandarin Chinese. By Xiao-nan Susan Shen. University of California Press, 1990. Review published in: Journal of Phonetics 21 (1993): 343-347.
1989 Chinese. By Jerry Norman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1988. Review: “A critical review of Norman’s Chinese” (with second author, James H.-Y. Tai). Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 24.1 (February 1989): 43-61.
1989 Guide to Proper Usage of Spoken Chinese. By Shou-he Tian. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. 1989. Review published in: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 24.3 (October 1989): 117-126.
1988 Code-Mixing and Code Choice: A Hong Kong Case Study. By John Gibbons. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 1987. Review published in: The Modern Language Journal 72.2 (Summer, 1988): 223-224.
2014 “In Memoriam: Edwin G. Pulleyblank 蒲立本 (1922-2013).” Journal of Chinese Linguistics 42.1: 252-266.
2008 “History of NACCL: The first two decades.” Proceedings of the 20th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20). 25-27 April 2008. Edited by Marjorie K.M. Chan and Hana Kang. Two volumes. Columbus, OH: East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University. Volume 1. Pages xiii-xviii. (pdf file)
1982 “A response to Boltz’ notes on Cantonese dentilabialization.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 102.1: 107-109.
(2025?) “Pan-Mandarin and Cantonese ToBI systems: Transcriptions and annotation conventions using Praat.” To appear in: ZHU Lin and YANG Bei (eds.), Theory and Practice of Bilingualism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
(2025?) “Chinese language acquisition” (with first author, Wei William Zhou). To appear in the Routledge Research Encyclopedia of Chinese Studies, edited by Chris Shei.
2024 “Cantonese dialect-writing and Korean Goyuhanja: Chinese characters and innovative orthographic creations” (with second author, Seojin Yang). In: Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 8. (This is a memorial volume dedicated to DEALL faculty member, Professor Charles J. Quinn, Jr. (1948-2023).) Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. Pages 65-83. URL:
2024 “Creating a corpus: Issues in the digital text processing of Cantonese, Hakkanese, and Taigi” (with first and second authors, Paul Ueda and Ka Fai Law). In: Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 8. (This is a memorial volume dedicated to DEALL faculty member, Professor Charles J. Quinn, Jr. (1948-2023).) Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. Pages 172-191. URL:
2023 “Challenges in D2 and D3 acquisition: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s 1924 Cantonese and Mandarin audiorecordings.” In: Chien-Jer Charles Lin, Alex Cherici, and Bihua Chen (eds.), Proceedings of the 34th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-34). Bloomington, IN: Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University Bloomington, IN. (No pagination; 34 pages) (pdf file; pages 1-34 inserted here)
– Translated into Chinese as: “第二方言和第三方言習得中的挑戰 — 孫中山 1924 年的粵語和國語錄音.” To appear in《粵語研究》第21 期.
2023 “The zero initial in Chinese: A preliminary exploration into D2 and L2 acquisition.” In: Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan and Zhiguo Xie (eds.), Buckeye East Asian Linguistics. Volume 6. (This volume is dedicated to Professor James H-Y. Tai, faculty member at OSU in 1986-1995.) Columbus, OH: Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries. Pages 1-14. URL:
2022 “My Unfair Lady: Gender, sajiao and humour in a Hong Kong TV series.” In: Jessica Milner Davis (ed.), Humour in Asian Cultures: Tradition and Context. Singapore: Routledge. Pages 238-267. DOI: 10.4324/9781003176374-11.
2022 “Vernacular Written Cantonese in the twentieth century: The role of Cantonese opera in its growth and spread.” In: Richard VanNess Simmons (ed.), Studies in Colloquial Chinese. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press. Pages 36-58. (This is a much revised and expanded version of my 2005 NACCL-17 proceedings paper.)
2022 “The 2019-2020 Hong Kong Protests: Dualling messages of the authorities and the protesters.” (with first author, Skylor E. Gomes). In: Mineharu Nakayama, Richard Torrance, Zhiguo Xie, John Bundschuh, Jennifer Nunes, and Lindsey Stirek (eds.), Buckeye East Asia: Occasional Papers. Volume 1. Special Edition: DEALL 50th Anniversary Celebration Edition: Issues in East Asian Languages and Literatures. Columbus: OSU Knowledge Bank. Pages 71-82. URL:
2021 “Linguistic constraint, social meaning, and multi-modal stylistic construction: Case studies from Mandarin pop songs.” (with first author, Yuhan Lin). Language in Society (online, August 2021): 1-24. DOI: In print: Language in Society (September 2022) 51.4: 603–626.
2020 “Do explicit instruction and high variability phonetic training improve nonnative speakers’ Mandarin tone productions?” (with first author, Seth Wiener, and third author, Kiwako Ito) The Modern Language Journal 104.1: 152-168. DOI:10.1111/modl.12619.
2019 “Chinese language and gender research.” (with second author, Yuhan Lin). In: Churen Huang, Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, and Barbara Meisterernst (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics. New York, NY: Routledge. Pages 165-181.
2015 “Cantonese hip-hop songs and their linguistic devices for identity formation.” (with first author, Tsz-Him Tsui) In: Hong-yin Tao et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-27). Pages 166-176.
2013 “‘Love you to the bone’ and other songs: Humour and rusheng 入聲 rhymes in early Cantopop.” (with second author, Jocelyn Chey) In: Jessica Milner Davis and Jocelyn Chey (eds.), Humour in Chinese Life and Culture: Resistance and Control in Modern Times. Volume Two. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Pages 103-130.
2010 “Liu Yi and the Dragon Princess: Cantonese opera adaptations of a Yuan Dynasty drama.” In: Ik-sang Eom, Shi-Chang Hsin, and Yea-Fen Chen (eds.), Perspectives on Chinese Language and Culture. Taipei: Crane Publisher. Pages 55-84.
2010 “The perception of Mandarin Chinese tones and intonation by American learners.” (with first author, Chunsheng Yang) Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 45.1: 7-36.
2009 “Modality effects revisited: Iconicity in Chinese Sign Language (CSL).” (with second author, Wang Xu). A Comparative Study of East Asian Sign Languages. [Article title in Chinese: 語言表達方式效應之再探: 中國手語的相似性] Taiwan Sign Language and Beyond [Monograph title in Chinese: 臺灣手語研究], edited by James H.Y. Tai (戴浩一) and Jane Tsay (蔡素娟). [= 臺灣人文研究叢書 (十).] Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Taiwan Institute for the Humanities, National Chung Chung University. Pages 49-81. [This is an extended version of Chan and Xu (2008).]
2008 “Modality effects revisited: Iconicity in Chinese Sign Language.” (with second author, Wang Xu). Proceedings of the 20th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20). 25-27 April 2008. Edited by Marjorie K.M. Chan and Hana Kang. Two volumes. Columbus, OH: East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University. Volume 1. Pages 343-360.
2006 “The Judge Goes to Pieces (審死官): A linguistic study of humor in a Cantonese opera.”Proceedings of the Eighteenth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-18), edited by Janet Xing. 2006. Los Angeles: GSIL Publications, University of Southern California. Pages 54-71. [In print in 2007]
2005 “Cantonese opera and the growth and spread of Vernacular Written Cantonese in the twentieth century.” Proceedings of the Seventeenth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-17), edited by Qian Gao. 2005. Los Angeles: GSIL Publications, University of Southern California. Pages 1-18. [In print in 2006]
2005 “An Autosegmental-Metrical analysis and prosodic annotation conventions for Cantonese” (second author, with first author, Peggy W.Y. Wong, and third author, Mary E. Beckman). In: Sun-Ah Jun, ed., Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Pages 271-300.
2005 “Towards a Pan-Mandarin system for prosodic transcription” (second author, with first author, Shu-hui Peng, and Chiu-yu Tseng, Tsan Huang, Ok Joo Lee, and Mary E. Beckman). In: Sun-Ah Jun, ed., Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Pages 230-270.
2003 “The digital age and speech technology for Chinese Language teaching and learning.” Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 38.2: 49-86.
2002 “Concordancers and concordances: Tools for Chinese language teaching and research.” Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 37.2: 1-57.
2002 “Gender-related use of sentence-final particles in Cantonese.” Gender Across Languages. Edited by Marlis Hellinger and Hadumod Bussmann. Volume 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Pages 57-72.
2000 “Sentence-final particles in Cantonese: A gender-linked survey and study.” Eleventh North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL 11) (18-20 June 1999, Harvard University). Compiled by Baozhang He and Wenze Hu. Cambridge: East Asian Language Programs, Harvard University. Pages 87-101.
1998 “Sentence-final particles je and jek in Cantonese and their distribution across gender and sentence types.” Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Women and Language Conference. April 24-26, 1998, Berkeley, California. Edited by Wertheim, Suzanne, Ashlee Bailey, and Monica Corston-Oliver. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Women and Language Group. Pages 117-128.
1998 “Some reflections on the periodization of the Chinese language.” (with James Tai). Studies on Chinese Historical Syntax and Morphology: Linguistic Essays in Honor of Mei Tsu-lin. [Collection des Cahiers de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale.] Edited by Alain Peyraube and Chaofen Sun. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Pages 223-239.
1998 “Gender differences in the Chinese language: A preliminary report.” Proceedings of the Ninth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Two volumes, edited by Hua Lin. Los Angeles: GSIL, University of Southern California. Volume 2, pages 35-52.
[Note: The GSIL publications did not include the year of publication. The conference itself was held in 1997, and the proceedings came out in 1998.]
1997 “Some thoughts on the typology of sound symbolism and the Chinese language.” Proceedings of the 8th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-8). Edited by Chin-chuan Cheng, Jerome Packard, James Yoon, and Yu-ling You. Volume II. Los Angeles, CA: GSIL Publications, University of Southern California. Pages 1-15.
1996 “Gender-marked speech in Cantonese: The case of sentence-final particles je and jek.” Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 26.1/2 (Spring/Fall 1996): 1-38.
1996 “Sound symbolism and the Chinese language.” In: Proceedings of the 7th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL) and the 4th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL). Edited by Tsai Fa Cheng, Yafei Li, and Hongming Zhang. Volume II. Los Angeles, CA: GSIL Publications, University of Southern California. Pages 17-34.
1996 “Fuzhou glottal stop: Floating segment or correlation of close contact?” Chinese Phonology. Edited by Jialing Wang and Norval S.H. Smith. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pages 275-289.
1995 “From nouns to verbs: Verbalization in Chinese dialects and East Asian languages.” (with second author, James H.Y. Tai) In: Sixth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. NACCL-6. Volume II. Edited by Jose Camacho and Lina Choueiri. Los Angeles: Graduate Students in Linguistics (GSIL), University of Southern California. Pages 49-74.
1995 “An autosegmental analysis of Danyang tone sandhi: Some historical and theoretical issues.” In: Studies in Wu Dialects. [New Asia Academic Bulletin, Volume XI.] Edited by Eric Zee 1995. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong. Pages 145-184.
1994 “Post‑stopped nasals and lateral flaps in the Zhongshan (Yue) dialect: A study of a mid‑eighteenth century Sino‑Portuguese glossary.” In: Chinese Languages and Linguistics. Volume II. Historical Linguistics. [Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Number 2.] Edited by Paul Jen‑kuei Li, Chu-Ren Huang, and Chih-chen Tang. 1994. Pages 203-250. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. (Revised and expanded version of 1991 paper.)
1991 “Contour-tone spreading and tone sandhi in Danyang.” Phonology 8.2: 237-259.
1991 “Post-stopped nasals and lateral flaps in the Zhongshan (Yue) dialect: A study of a mid-eighteenth century Sino-Portugese glossary.” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Paul Jen-Kuei Li; Chu-Ren Huang; and Ying-Chin Lin, eds., Taipei: Institute of History and Philogy, Academia Sinica. Pages 84-103.
1990 “Prelinked and floating glottal stops in Fuzhou Chinese.” Canadian Journal of Linguistics 35.4: 331-349.
1989 “On the status of ‘basic’ tones.” Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 21.2: 5-34. (A revision of the 1986 paper.)
1989 “Wuxi tone sandhi: From last to first syllable dominance.” (with second author, Hongmo Ren). Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 21.2: 35-64. (A revision of the 1986 paper.)
1988 “A study of the one thousand most frequently used characters.” (with second author, Baozhang He). Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 23.3: 49-68.
1987 “Post-stopped nasals in Chinese: An areal study.” UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 68: 73-119.
1987 “Post-stopped nasals: An acoustic investigation.” (with second author, Hongmo Ren). UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 68: 120-131.
1987 “Tone and melody interaction in Cantonese and Mandarin songs.” UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 68:132-169.
1987 “Tone and melody in Cantonese.” Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, pages 26-37.
1986 “On the status of ‘basic’ tones.” UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 63: 71-94.
1986 “Wuxi tone sandhi: From last to first syllable dominance.” (with second author, Hongmo Ren). UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 63: 48-70.
1985 “On the final glottal stop in Fuzhou.” Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Pacific Linguistics Conference. Edited by Scott Delancey and Russell S. Tomlin. Eugene: Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon, pages 54-68.
1984 “The Chinese in North America: A preliminary ethnolinguistic study.” The Annals of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest, Number 2. Edited by Paul Buell and Douglas W. Lee. Bellingham: Center for East Asian Studies, University of Western Washington, pages 232-254.
1984 “Stress and vowel quality changes in the Fuzhou dialect.” U.W. Working Papers in Linguistics 8: 19-38.
1984 “Initial consonant clusters in Old Chinese: Evidence from sesqui-syllabic words in the Yue dialects.” Fangyan 方言 4: 300-313.
1983 “Lexical diffusion and two Chinese case studies re-analyzed.” Acta Orientalia 44: 117-152. (A revised and much expanded version of the 1982 paper.)
1982 “Lexical diffusion and two Chinese case studies re-analyzed.” U.W. Working Papers in Linguistics 7: 1-7.
1981 “Chinatown Chinese: A linguistic and historical re-evaluation.” (with second author, Douglas W. Lee.) Amerasia 8.1: 111-131.
1980 “Temporal reference in Mandarin Chinese: An analytical-semantic approach to the study of the Morphemes le, zai, zhe, and ne.” Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 15.3: 33-79.
1975 “Problems and criticisms of the Integrated Day.” Viewpoint 10.2: 19-26.
[Definition of “integrated day”: education, British; teaching that is organized around themes and not separate subjects.]