Semester Reflection

College was a huge change in my life, and with any change comes its ups and downs. College life was very hard for me at first, I didn’t know anyone and I had no idea what I was doing. I am a pretty shy person so it took me a long time to make friends. Over time I started to warm up to people and got used to my classes. I made new friends and figured out ways to study that worked the best for me and my classes. It took a long time and I still dont think I’m fully adapted to college life just yet. One of the benefits of college life is independence. I got to schedule when I wanted to do stuff, like my clases, social time and study time. This was very new to me because I was the only one to keep myself accountable for my actions. One day I could go for a run between my classes, or I could try to get some homework done. Other days I could take a nap or go get something to eat. It was very hard to manage my time at first, but once I got the hang of it I loved it. One thing that I struggled with in college was paying attention in class. With most of my classes being online, making sure I listened to the teacher was a struggle. It is so easy to go on your phone and scroll through social media or play a game. I’m not in a classroom setting so I do not usually have the classroom mindset. One way I have tried to fix this problem is to put my phone in another room or keep it out of sight. This makes me pay attention in class, however my phone isn’t always my only distraction. Something that I have achieved is making new friends in college. As I stated before I am a shy person and talking to people is not easy for me. As a result it usually takes me a long time to make friends. I was able to make friends in college which was one of my main goals for the first semester. College would be so boring and stressful without friends, and my weekend would feel so alone. It is important to learn and do well in college, but that’s not what it’s all about. There are so many opportunities and you are able to make bonds with people who you can be friends with for a long time. A new goal I want to set for myself in the spring is to pay more attention in my classes. One of my biggest problems is looking at my phone when I should be paying attention in class, however that is not the only distraction. I get bored and usually just walk around or get food during my classes. Next semester I will catch myself doing this and try to stop. This first semester of college has been so fun and I can’t wait to learn in the future.

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