Please explore study details/eligibility below.
If you suffer from any of the symptoms described, you may be able to participate in these current studies.
BREATHE Study for patients with chronic digestive symptoms
A study looking at diaphragmatic breathing to help gastroparesis symptoms.
BREATHE study goals:
- Improve symptoms of patients with digestive problems
- Understand impact of guided breathing on a patient’s digestive symptoms
- Validate the impact of guided breathing on a patient’s quality of life
Who’s invited to sign up? Patients seen in the outpatient GI Motility Clinic at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
What to expect: You will be asked to practice guided-breathing and answer questions about your GI symptoms, stress, sleep and quality of life.
Sign up for BREATHE Study
FASED Study for patients who have difficulty emptying bowels
Do you feel like you don’t completely empty while you go or strain too much? You may benefit from this research study investigating the impact of footstools on bowel habits and if they can help you feel completely emptied.
What to expect: You’ll be given a free footstool that you should use as often as possible for two months. You will also keep a diary of your symptoms and answer some questions at the beginning and the end of the study.
Sign up for FASED Study