About Us

The Arts and Culture Committee is a Council of Graduate Students internal committee. Our goals are twofold: 1. to increase visibility and accessibility of the arts for all graduate students on the OSU campus and 2. to support and provide opportunities for graduate students in arts and culture-relevant departments.

Current Members:

Kathryn Holt, Chair

Kathryn is a 4th year PhD candidate in the Department of Dance. She holds an MA in Dance from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Her research focuses on the politics of gender and race as in embodied in the dance of Ireland and the Irish diaspora. This is her second year serving on the Arts and Culture Committee, and her first year as chair.

Selasi Attipoe

Mercedes Chavez

Mercedes Chavez is a PhD Candidate in English. Having received her A.M. from the University of Chicago in 2009, she is proud to return to her work in Cinema and Media Studies at her undergraduate alma mater, The Ohio State University. Her research explores politics and aesthetics with a focus on media and the environmental humanities. Dedicated to the belief that the arts are a vital part of our community and shared future, she joined the CGS Arts and Culture committee to contribute to the enrichment of the graduate experience.

Lauren Henry

Dasom Lee

Dasom is a Developmental Psychology graduate student, hoping to eventually get a Ph.D. She attended Cornell University aan undergraduate and came to The Ohio State University in 2015.

Linzey Rice

Chumba Tonui

Erin Yu-Lee

Erin Yu-Lee is an MBA candidate at Ohio State. She graduated from Ohio State with a BA in Theatre, then moved to Los Angeles, where she worked aa professional actress. Now she’s back in the Buckeye state hoping to learn a thing or two about business so she can start her own film production company.