Enter the CGS Lottery for a chance to win tickets to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
A play by Simon Stephens
Based on the novel by Mark Haddon
Directed by Kevin McClatchy
This Olivier- and Tony-Award-winning play follows a teenage mathematical genius, who sees the world in a wondrously unique way, as he sets out to solve a neighborhood mystery about a dead dog and ends up on a thrilling journey of discovery about his family and his future.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is the department’s media-intensive production. Each season the department designates one production to explore the incorporation of new media into live performance.
Where: Ray Bowen Theatre, Drake Performance Center, OSU Campus, Columbus, OH
When: Fri 4/19 AND Sat 4/20 @ 7:30 pm
Ticket Information:
Enter the CGS lottery here for a chance to win up to 2 free tickets.