Campus Conversation on the Opioid Crisis

It is our pleasure to announce that registration is now open for the Campus Conversation on the Opioid Crisis.  Through your participation in this event, we hope to learn about the many ways that Ohio State is already involved in addressing this critical issue and develop plans for advancing the role that Ohio State can play statewide in battling the opioid crisis.

The event will take place on Monday, January 30 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 2201 Fred Taylor Drive on the Ohio State campus.  Parking is available across the street from the 4-H Center. Doors will open at 8:00 AM with coffee and pastries. Lunch will be provided.

We are pleased to confirm that Rear Admiral and Assistant Surgeon General James Lando, MD, MPH, FACPM will be our featured speaker.  Dr. Lando serves as regional health administrator for the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Lando, along with several leaders in Ohio’s efforts to combat drug addiction and overdose deaths, will lead the morning program.  The afternoon will be devoted to small-group conversations related to the various dimensions of the issue ranging from prevention to treatment.

We are also trying to develop an inventory of how participants are involved in addressing the opioid issue.  Consequently, space is provided on the web-based registration form to briefly describe the nature of your work related to the issue.

Click here to register.

Registrations are due by noon on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

Roger Rennekamp                             Bill Martin
Director, OSU Extension                  Dean, College of Public Health

Hamilton County Extension Office – New Location

The Hamilton County Extension Office relocated to a county-owned facility in the community of Northside effective Jan. 17.

The new Extension Office address is 4210 Dane Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223. This location is just three miles from its previous location on Colerain Avenue.

The phone numbers and e-mail addresses remain the same.

International Programs in Agriculture – 2015 Annual Report

The Office of International Programs in Agriculture is pleased to share with you a copy of our 2015 Annual Report. The report provides an overview of the many international activities conducted by faculty, staff, and students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and is intended to convey the breadth and depth of the College’s international engagement. Also integrated into this report are success stories and personal perspectives of students and faculty highlighting their experiences and perspectives on/in international agriculture and natural resources management.

I hope you find this report informative and that it encourages both faculty and students to actively pursue opportunities related to international agriculture and natural resources management while at The Ohio State University.

This report and previous Annual Reports may also be found on our website at


Mark Erbaugh

Dr. J. Mark Erbaugh, Director
International Programs in Agriculture
160 Bevis Hall
1080 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-6479 Office / 614-292-1757 Fax

One Health Conference: An update for public health officials, veterinarians, & Extension professionals

Coordinated by: Drs. Bill Saville & Jeff LeJeune

Veterinary Extension will host a One Health Conference on March 17-18, 2016 in the Veterinary Medical Center Auditorium. The purpose is to provide updates on information and exchange ideas about the epidemiology and current research on persistent, emerging, and re-emerging issues of concern to veterinary and public health. Conference speakers will address surveillance, research, and outreach activities related to these public health threats. Through this dialogue between researchers and public health practitioners, the program committee hopes to increase communications and interactions among all individuals involved in protecting the public from infectious diseases shared between humans and animals.

The agenda and registration information is available on the website at:

OSU Extension Peer Review Guidelines Updated

The OSUE guidelines for peer review have been updated and are posted at the following link:



Ken Martin, PhD
Chair and Associate Director, Programs
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Department of Extension
3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1010
614-292-8793 Office / 614-688-3807 Fax