Dr. Rodney F. Plimpton was an unusually exuberant, dynamic teacher during his career at The Ohio State University. From the time he entered Ohio State in 1959, he served as an effective teaching and research assistant. During his faculty tenure from 1965 until his untimely death in 1987, he was twice honored as recipient of the University Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award. The tremendous number of undergraduate students who sought him as an academic advisor provides clear evidence of his extremely effective relationship with students. He was major advisor to 26 graduate students and highly respected nationally as a speaker and public writer on meat science and teaching. The American Meat Science Association Distinguished Teaching Award was bestowed on him in 1978. Dr. Plimpton serviced on the University Senate and vigorously contributed challenging ideas and wisdom to numerous committees and projects. He spent his entire career at The Ohio State University devoting his time and tremendous energy to enabling his students to become the best that they could be. Dr. Plimpton was an excellent example of the criteria to receive this outstanding teaching award.
The Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Teacher Award is intended to recognize and encourage CFAES faculty members with the rank of assistant or associate professor who exemplify excellence in and commitment to teaching. No more than two awards will be presented. Each award includes a plaque, $500 for the recipient and $500 for the home department/school to enhance its teaching program.
Individuals who are considered outstanding teachers by their peers, professional associates, administrators, graduate and undergraduate students. Nominations are encouraged to seek information from the nominee.
- No more than two awards will be given. To be considered, a faculty member must have the rank of assistant or associate professor only.
- Nominees must not have received this teaching award during the past five years.
- The teacher demonstrates the ability to motivate students in the learning process and stimulates strong interest in the subject matter.
- The teacher effectively uses a variety of materials and methods appropriate to the subject matter, establishes clear learning objectives and presents subject matter in an organized manner.
- The teacher maintains a thorough, up-to-date and futuristic knowledge of subject matter, applies principles of science in evaluating information, and strives for objectivity and intellectual honesty.
- The teacher is innovative, constantly seeks to improve quality of teaching/learning situation, and helps students to reflect upon relevancy of information and to project ideas into new areas and into the solution of problems.
- The teacher has contributed to teaching excellence, assessment and/or curriculum development through participation in departmental, college or university initiatives and/or committees.
The nomination is to be completed by the nominee’s department. Assistance by the nominee is encouraged to ensure the form is as complete as possible. Only those documentation materials requested should be added. Do not exceed space limitations nor submit materials not requested.
General Information
- Name of nominee
- Title or rank
- Department/academic unit
- Include a copy of current vita
- Courses taught – include information dealing with number of sections, types of courses, and number of students taught per term over the previous two academic years
- List any other teaching situations in addition to regular courses which should be considered, including student advising (1 page maximum)
Award Criteria – (Limit supporting evidence to only one page per notation)
- Student Motivation – The teacher demonstrates the ability to motivate students in the learning process and stimulates strong interest in the subject matter.
- Teaching Effort – The teacher effectively uses a variety of materials and methods appropriate to the subject matter, establishes clear learning objectives and presents subject matter in an organized manner.
- Scholarly Role Model – The teacher maintains a thorough, up-to-date and futuristic knowledge of subject matter, applies principles of science in evaluating information, and strives for objectivity and intellectual honesty.
- Innovation – The teacher is innovative, constantly seeks to improve quality of the teaching/learning situation, and helps students to reflect upon relevancy of information and to project ideas into new areas and into the solution of problems.
- Service of Teaching – The teacher has contributed to teaching excellence, assessment, and/or curriculum development through participation in departmental, college or university initiatives and/or committees.
- Additional Attachments – Materials, which may be included, should be limited to these items only:
- Student evaluations for courses taught this past year; SEI preferred, with college and university comparative means and/or peer evaluations of instruction.
- Listing of prior awards/recognition for teaching and advising.
Please submit nomination by Monday, March 26 electronically to Carol Poe at poe.4@osu.edu or deliver to 100 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210; 614-688-5612.