On Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 11 and 12 there was an external review of international programs in CFAES and the International Programs in Agriculture office. The three external reviewers were:
- Dr. Tag Demment, Vice President, International Programs, The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)
- Mr. Michael McGirr, National Program Leader, Center for International Programs, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), United States Department of Agriculture
- Dr. Rick Rudd, Community Viability Chair of Excellence, Professor and Department Head, Virginia Polytechnic University
While here, they met with groups of faculty and college leadership.
The purpose of this review is to identify strengths, issues, and opportunities to advance the strategic goals of the International Programs in Agriculture office and to better inform the overall internationalization strategy of the college. We hope that participants will share the value of international engagement to their own scholarship and to advancing CFAES’s overall teaching, research, and outreach missions.
The review team met at the end of their visit with Mark Erbaugh, Director of International Programs, and Dean Kress to debrief and will share a written report soon that will be used for the college’s strategic planning.