VP & Dean McPheron sent the following note to ACEL faculty and staff:
I’m pleased to share with you that Graham Cochran has accepted my offer to serve as the Interim Department Chair, effective July 1 and pending approval of the Board of Trustees. He will begin working immediately with Dr. Straquadine to ensure a smooth transition.
As you know, Graham has served as an Associate Professor since 2011 with appointments in the Department of Extension and Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership. Graham began his career at The Ohio State University in 1996 as a county director and Extension Agent in Sandusky County. Since that initial appointment, Graham has accepted increasing responsibilities including Center Director at Adventure Central in Dayton and in the OSU Extension Human Resources unit. Graham’s scholarship has focused on organizational and workforce development, including a leadership role with the development of an online Master’s program. Graham’s work in organizational and workforce development provided the type of experience necessary for him to successfully co-lead the Vice Presidents Conversation on the Future of Extension.
In the coming weeks and months we will have additional conversation on the future leadership of the department and the process we’ll use to seek out and identify the next leader.
Please join me in congratulating Graham and supporting him in his new leadership opportunity.