Groups and Organizations
The Ohio State University Bee Lab
OSU Resources
The Ohio State University Bee Lab website
Attracting Pollinators to the Garden factsheet
Honey Bees in House Walls factsheet
Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Bumble Bees
Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Honey Bees
Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Monarchs
Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Native Bees
Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Pollinators
Protecting Pollinators in Landscapes, MSU
Native Bee Biology and ID
Bee Basics: an Introduction to Our Native Bees, Pollinator Partnership and USDA Forest Service
Conservation and Management of North American Bumble Bees: USDA Forest Service and NatureServe
Native Bees, Wild Bees and Solitary Bees: University of Minnesota
Pictoral Guide to Common NYC Bees, Kevin Matteson
Supporting Native Bees: Our Essential Pollinators, University of Wisconsin-Extension
Wild Pollinators of Eastern Apple Orchards and How to Conserve Them: Cornell University
Nesting Blocks for Native Bees
Nests for Native Bees: The Xerces Society
Tunnel Nests for Native Bees: The Xerces Society
Plants and Pollinators (each link opens to a page of links)
Bee Pasture, Meadows and Flower Strips
Roadside Vegetation and Rights-of-Way
Pollinator Resources for Educators
National Pollinator Garden Network list of resources