Mood Portrait
Color Explosion
Nightmare recreation
Dream Collage
Blog Post #4: Reflection
Part 1: Some of the challenges I faced while completing my assignment was the shading. A lot of my objects had little texture and highlighting, which made it hard to show the contrast between the lighter parts and darker parts. Another major challenge was incorporating myself because I just so happened to wear my most complex leggings, which was interesting to draw. There were many things that helped me during this assignment. I decided to add my blanket in which provided extra texture and shadows, I added myself in and a portion on the right in to add more detail in what was previously negative space, and I used tissue to smudge areas that I wanted to be darker and used my eraser to get rid of spots that were supposed to be lighter. If I am being honest, all of my peers helped me to make different decisions. I added in parts to make it easier to understand in areas that were confusing before, I added more details so it was less empty, and I used more shading to make a bigger contrast. I did take two major risks in which I believe work well. The first one was adding the bottom right reflection because this time I could actually see something, and the second risk was adding myself in. I think it’s cool to see my drawing in my drawing, it’s very trippy. The most helpful comments in the critique that I took away was that I needed more shading, and that I had too many empty spaces that confused people, so I filled them. Some things I could have done differently in my approach to this drawing are to figure out what to do with that top right empty space and to have taken some more time to really get my leggings just right.
Part 2: Reflection of My Reflection