Book Experiment

To book experiment using the CCBD instrumentation please contact the manager Barbara Dunlap ( to discuss your sample.

Usage Fees

$125/hr, $1000/day
Renishaw inVia
PhotoThermal mIRage-LS
AppliedPhotophysics Stopped-Flow
Horiba Fluorolog
Shimadzu UV-3600

Options for Running Experiments

There are two ways to collect data using the instrumentation in the CCBD.  Both options are open to University and Industrial users.

  1. Have the manager run the experiments.
    • This method is designed for those who have only a few samples to run or who do not wish to undergo the training process. 
  2. Have graduate students and postdoctoral researchers train to use the facility to run their own samples. 
    • This option is best for those who plan to have recurring need to use the facility and who will benefit from learning at depth the intricacies of the instruments.
    • Training for the different instrument require a different number of training sessions.  It can range from 2-3 for the simpler instruments or 9 sessions for the more intricate experiments. 
    • Once trained, users may schedule their experiments for a time that is convenient for them, rather than relying on the manager’s schedule.

Scheduling time for experiments is done using an on-line scheduling system that allows fair sharing of the equipment among users that is monitored by the CCBD manager. The CCBD manager has the authority to resolve scheduling conflicts and change scheduled times if necessary.