Deadline Extended – Apply to be a Gen Chem TA

Application Deadline Extended: June 1, 2022

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is currently accepting applications for General Chemistry TA positions for Autumn 2022. A TA position provides the opportunity to improve your knowledge, gain teaching experience, and help students.

In order to apply, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Completed General Chemistry Sequence (1210/1220; 1610/1620; or 1910H/1920H) with an A or A- (preferred)
  • Cumulative GPA > 3.2
  • Enrolled in classes during Autumn 2022
  • No other paid monthly student appointment during Autumn 2022 (this includes paid research)

Appointment details are as follows:

  • Salary: $12/hour
  • Hours: 10-12/week
  • Responsibilities: teach one 3-hour lab; grade assignments and prepare for teaching responsibilities; 1 office hour/week; proctor all exams; attend weekly staff meeting

Training will take place in August during business hours. Please describe any potential conflicts with training on your application.

If you are interested, you may apply here.

After you submit an application, you will be asked to submit a schedule. This does not guarantee a TA position. If your schedule changes, please update it by July 1st. If you make a change to your schedule after this date, you will be responsible for switching your assignment with another TA or forfeit your position.

Applications and schedules are due by 11:59 pm on June 1, 2022. Hiring decisions will be made by late July.

Please contact with any questions.

Join Scientific Thinkers at OSU

Scientific Thinkers is a student organization here at OSU. They are a volunteer program that seeks to impact our community by teaching elementary students and mentoring underrepresented students with limited STEM resources. This student organization will allow students to gain teaching experience, grow in leadership skills, and improve in their ability to teach STEM material.

If interested in joining, please attend a mandatory orientation on January 23, 3:00-4:00pm in the Physics Research Building (PRB). You may sign up here. Find more information about this student organization on their website.

Join Scientific Thinkers

If you need to complete community service hours or want to give back to the Columbus community, consider joining Scientific Thinkers! Scientific Thinkers is a student organization at OSU dedicated to mentoring minority students who are interested in STEM. This is a great opportunity for you to develop your leadership skills as well as gain experience in teaching STEM material. If you are interested, there will be a mandatory orientation on Tuesday August 27 at 1:00 pm or Thursday August 29 at 3:00 pm. RSVP here. Find out more about Scientific Thinkers here!