Career Accelerator Fund

The Career Accelerator Fund (CAF) provides financial support for College of Arts and Sciences students participating in unpaid, minimally paid, or underpaid internships, undergraduate research, or experiential learning opportunities. You can learn more on the CAF website.

The application deadline for Summer 2024 opportunities is March 2, 2024. The application is found on Scholarship Universe. This is a university-wide platform and resource designed to aid in the search for available funding, awards, and scholarships.

Career Accelerator Fund

The Career Accelerator Fund (CAF) provides financial support for College of Arts and Sciences students participating in unpaid or minimally paid internships, undergraduate research, or experiential learning opportunities.

The application deadline for Summer 2023 opportunities is March 31, 2023. The application requires multiple documents, so don’t delay if you want to apply. You can learn more on the CAF website.

Career Accelerator Fund

The Career Accelerator Fund (CAF) provides financial support for College of Arts and Sciences students participating in unpaid or minimally paid internships, undergraduate research, or experiential learning opportunities.

The application deadline for Spring 2023 opportunities is November 30, 2022. The application requires multiple doucments, so don’t delay if you want to apply. You can learn more on the CAF website.

ASC Student Well-Being Resources

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of changes. There is a lot to adjust to and it can be a bit overwhelming. Various units in the College of Arts and Sciences have put together a list of resources to help students navigate various aspects of their health, housing, and economic well-being.

View the list here: ASC Student Well-Being Resources

ASC Undergraduate News

Be sure to scope out the College of Arts and Sciences monthly Undergraduate Newsletter! The letter covers topics such as new program offerings, academic opportunities that take place outside the classroom (research, study abroad, internships and service learning), arts and sciences student organizations, scholarships and grants, opportunities to meet with ASC faculty, student events, resources and more.

The August 2018 letter can be found on the Newsletter homepage.