Ohio State’s Community Medicine MD Track

Ohio State’s Community Medicine MD Track (CMT) is an MD program designed for students who have a firm commitment to practicing medicine in rural communities or smaller cities. The track will not only address the clinical issues relevant to caring for patients in rural and smaller communities, but will also provide extra emphasis on leadership development and community engagement.

The CMT does not limit students to a specialty; instead, it trains physicians who will ultimately specialize in a variety of fields such as surgery, emergency medicine, internal medicine, family medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and obstetrics and gynecology.

Students will spend the first two years of medical school on the Columbus campus and then transition to The Ohio State University at Lima for their third and fourth years, gaining clinical experiences at Mercy Health – St. Rita’s.

CMT students will meet the same objectives required of all Ohio State medical students and will receive their medical degree from the Ohio State College of Medicine. The College of Medicine values diversity and believes its student body will be enhanced by including students with small community backgrounds and/or interests to pursue training at the regional campus in Lima.

There are upcoming virtual info sessions on July 19, 2023 at 4 PM EST and August 16, 2023 at 4 PM EST.

For more information or if you have questions, please email Lori Martensen at communitymedicinetrack@osumc.edu.

The Ohio State University Professional Exploration Program (PXP)

The Ohio State University Professional Exploration Program (PXP) provides an opportunity for underrepresented undergraduates who are interested in a health professional career, but have not decided on a career path, to explore careers in seven different health professional schools. Participants will explore career opportunities with the following OSU professional schools:

  • College of Dentistry
  • College of Nursing
  • College of Optometry
  • College of Pharmacy
  • College of Public Health
  • College of Veterinary Medicine
  • School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

This year’s PXP program, set for August 2023 through February 2024, will provide an in-depth look at career options in the various health fields on designated Saturdays. The programming will be determined by each hosting college/unit and will be scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. but may vary.

This is a competitive program with a limited number of spaces, so be sure to apply soon!

Applications are due by Friday, June 30, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. 

All students will receive application results by Friday, July 14, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. and will need to accept their admission into the program by Friday, July 28, 2023, 11:59 p.m.

Gap Year Research Opportunity

The Addiction Medicine Lab at Talbot Hall in Ohio State’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health is hiring a full-time researcher. They seek to hire a graduate from the class of Spring 2023 or Autumn 2022 who is interested in a gap year before perusing medical school or medical research.

This paid position is a great opportunity to get experience, skills, and publications in clinical science. The Addiction Medicine Lab does many things ranging from biomedical pain and withdrawal testing, to community survey research. This position entails involvement in both, as well as overseeing undergraduate assistants and working alongside lab supervisors Dr Julie Teater & Dr O. Trent Hall.

Apply for this gap year research position.

Questions? Reach out to the Clinical Research Coordinator, Parker Entrup, at Parker.Entrup@osumc.edu.

Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity at Ohio University

The Diabetes Institute and Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine at Ohio University will host the Diabetes Institute Summer Interprofessional Research Experience (DISIRE) Program sponsored by The National Institutes of Health during the from June 5, 2023 to July 28, 2023.

Application Deadline: March 20, 2023

The DISIRE program provides a hands-on research experience in the structure of an 8-week paid internship focused on one of a number of various aspects of diabetes research. During the program, participants will learn various aspects of diabetes and perform research with a faculty mentor on a topic of mutual interest. Also, the students will participate in activities crucial to preparation for graduate and/or medical school, including a professional development series. At the end of the summer program, participants present their research at a research symposium to faculty, staff, and summer scholars.

Faculty mentors in the DISIRE program study a wide range of affiliated fields including physiology, molecular biology, chemistry, biomedical engineering, and understanding psychosocial and cognitive factors.

College of Medicine: ASPIRE Medical Research Program

Ohio State University College of Medicine ASPIRE Medical Research program applications will close on January 15, 2023.

The mission of the ASPIRE Medical Research Program is to support undergraduate students who have been historically underrepresented and historically excluded from the health sciences with mentorship, research experience in world-class laboratories, and personal and academic support to prepare them for advanced education and careers as health care providers.

The year-long, longitudinal program is open to rising sophomores (current freshmen), sophomores, and juniors.

They are specifically seeking applications from:

  • Students from groups historically excluded in medicine and biomedical sciences: African-American or Black, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • Students with disabilities, defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • Students from economically and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds
  • First generation college students
  • Queer, LGBTQIA, Transgender/Gender Non-Conforming
  • Others whose backgrounds and experiences would bring diversity to the field

Interested? Visit the program website to learn more and apply. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2023.

ASPIRE 2022 Cohort

Open Positions at Warren Center For Neuroscience Drug Discovery

The Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery at Vanderbilt University is actively seeking BS level scientists to join their team. Many of the center’s BS level scientists use this opportunity to gain experience and publications before entering a Graduate or Professional program.

The Warren Center is directed by Dr. Craig Linsley (editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry) and is located about 20 minutes south of Nashville, TN. While the Warren Center is known best for its neuroscience and work in GPCRs, they have funding for several other projects outside of the neuroscience world. Additionally, the WCNDD is great place to work with state-of-the-art instrumentation akin to what one would encounter in BigPharma.

If you are interested, you should email your CV and research summary to Kayla Temple at kayla.temple@vanderbilt.edu.

MBCF Scholars Program

The Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry Foundation (MBCF) Scholars program has been established to provide student travel fellowships for up to 15 students (graduate and undergraduate) to attend the 16th Winter Conference on Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry.

The conference will be held in the Steamboat Grand Hotel in Steamboat Springs, Colorado Sunday, January 29th to Thursday, February 2nd, 2023. The conference will bring together industrial and academic scientists from across the chemistry-medicine continuum and will be focused on drug discovery and development.

The Foundation will provide partial support (including $1,500 to support the student’s travel and lodging, and full coverage of registration fees) for research active undergraduate students and graduate students to attend the 2023 Conference. Students who are carrying out research on either medicinal chemistry or pharmaceutical facing synthetic organic chemistry are encouraged to apply.

Applicants must fulfill the following criteria:

  • GPA > 3.4
  • Experience working in a research laboratory
  • Enough individual intellectual contribution for a poster

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST on October 14, 2022. Read the flyer for additional details and application instructions.

Call for Applicants: OSU Medicine UG Lab Assistant

The OSU Wexner Medical Center COPPER lab is seeking applicants for an Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant position.

The COPPER lab is a well-funded organ transplant surgery research lab in the Medical Center, Department of Surgery. Specifically, the lab is looking for 1st or 2nd year undergraduate students with little to no laboratory experience, who are interested in getting their foot in the door with a biomedical science research laboratory.

Candidates do not need any prior research experience; they will learn everything they need for the job in the lab. They will spend the first 3-6 months completing all of the required medical center onboarding, security, safety and laboratory training. Students will also learn the primary support duties that keep the lab operational, including fundamental skills like sterile technique, chemical handling, and safe operation of equipment. They will then work one-on-one with the research scientists and staff in the lab to learn core experimental techniques in molecular biology, tissue culture and/or animal handling (depending on their interest).

This can serve as the first opportunity to get research experience or formal research credits. But if you’re looking to progress to graduate, medical, dental, vet school, etc, it is also an exceptional opportunity to set yourself apart from your peers. This role can become whatever you want, including a doorway to your next stage of training, research presentations, publications, reference letters… The sky is the limit!

This PDF (or Word doc) combines an email from a Post-doctoral Research Fellow of the lab, an introduction to the lab and role, and the application questionnaire.

Open Research Technician Position

There is an opening for a research technician in the Gale Group at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School starting June 2022. They are seeking a recent college graduate with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. This position is ideal for an ambitious chemist with plans to attend graduate or medical school within 2-3 years.

The technician will be primarily responsible for physicochemical characterization of new transition metal complexes. There are also opportunities to engage in chemical synthesis, bioanalytical chemistry, molecular biology, and/or MR imaging studies.

Qualified applicants should send a CV and contact information for two references to Eric Gale at emgale@mgh.harvard.edu. Further information can be found on this flyer.

Info Session: Discovery PREP Program at OSUCOM

The NIH-funded Discovery Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) at The Ohio State University College of Medicine is excited to announce a virtual information session on December 15 at 7pm. During the event, Dr. Candice Askwith, Faculty Director of Discovery PREP, will introduce Discovery PREP and answer questions.

The Discovery PREP program is designed to help prepare recent baccalaureate graduates for success in pursuit of a career as a biomedical scientist. Individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical workforce are strongly encouraged to apply, including students from racial and ethnic groups shown to be underrepresented nationally and individuals with disabilities.

Discovery PREP provides individuals with the opportunity to obtain the intensive research experience necessary to gain admission to, and succeed in, a Biomedical PhD program. The program is a competitive, one-year PREP that provides:

  • A PAID research experience in a laboratory with a research mentor in Neuroscience, Cancer Biology, Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Immunology, or Physiology.
  • Individual mentoring
  • Assistance with application preparation for PhD graduate programs
  • Orientation and social activities
  • Seminars and journal clubs
  • Career development workshops
  • Opportunities to travel and network with scientists throughout the nation

To register for the virtual info session, submit this form. A Zoom link will be sent once your registration has been received. If you have any questions or require additional information about the program or this event, please reach out to Discovery.PREP@osumc.edu.