Lab Assistant Position

Dr. Gonul Kaletunc in the Food Engineering department is looking for a senior chemistry/biochemistry student for help with a short-term lab project.

The project will take around two months, and will involve preparation of solutions, conducting enzyme assays, using a spectrometer, and analysis of results. The project will take about 10-15 hours a week, with 4-5 hours of continuous commitment for each session (2-3 times a week).

Applicants should be detail-oriented and have good laboratory skills.

If interested, send your resume to Dr. Gonul Kaletunc at If you have questions, Dr. Kaletunc can be reached at 614-292-0419.

Full-time Chemist Opportunity at Oakwood Labs

Oakwood Labs is currently seeking OSU students for a full-time chemistry opportunity.

This position will include responsibilities for analytical development of pharmaceutical products for Oakland and its partners. Hands-on laboratory work will be used to aid in the development of inject able pharmaceutical products.

Basic training will be obtained through guidance of experienced professionals.

Some of the obligations are listed here:

1. Conducts analytical testing to support the development and validation of analytical methods for drug products, intermediates and excipients.

2. Maintains complete records of testing data and results.

3. Assists with the operations of the Research and Development Lab.

4. Maintains professional and technical knowledge.

5. Contributes to the effective operation of the department and the overall success of the Company.
Applicants should have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry or a closely related science field with chemistry and mathematics as completed coursework.

To apply, submit a resume to posting ID#25294139 on the Ohio State FutureLink system, available here.

For more information about Oakwood Labs, click here.

Chem 4550: Inorganic Chemistry Lab

This Spring, Inorganic Chemistry Lab (Chem 4550) will be a course offering.

Inorganic topics include chelates, electron-transfer, the kinetic trans-effect, isomerism, solid state chemistry, metal-metal bonding, magnetism, absorption, and emission.


  • Lecture: Mondays 3:00-3:55 p.m.
  • Lab: Tuesdays OR Thursdays 11:10 a.m.- 2:05 p.m.

With Who?

  • Dr. Rebecca Ricciardo


  • Learn new synthesis and characterization techniques
  • Use advanced instrumentation in modern lab space
    • FTIR, Luminescence, UV-Vis, X-ray diffration

This lab also fulfills the advanced lab requirement for a BS in Chemistry and help fulfills requirements for an ACS certified degree.

Have any questions? 

Contact Dr. Ricciardo, 120B Celeste Lab,