University of North Texas Summer REU

The Chemistry Department at the University of North Texas is now accepting applications for its Summer 2023 NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program.

This program offers interdisciplinary research experiences at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Although our faculty research groups are grounded in “traditional” areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, biochemistry), most of their research projects cross boundaries between these areas. A unique aspect of this REU program is that all projects will involve collaboration between two or more research groups, including both experimental and computational researchers.

Participants will connect with career-active researchers at major international chemical companies and tour local companies to learn how chemistry plays a role in the economy. They will also engage in hands-on learning experiences and training in scientific communication and research ethics.


  • Students who will not have earned their Bachelor’s degree prior to the program end date are eligible to apply.
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident.


  • $6,000 stipend
  • Up to $2,000 conference travel allowance
  • Accommodation at UNT for 10 weeks (May 21 – July 29, 2023)

Apply by March 8, 2023.