Chemical Evolution Summer Research

Application Deadline: February 15, 2018

The NSF/NASA Center for Chemical Evolution is actively recruiting for its 2019 summer research program.

The CCE Summer Undergraduate Research Program allows undergraduate scientists to conduct supervised research with a faculty mentor working in the field of chemical evolution and origins of life chemistry. Students are trained in research methods, data analysis, and written/oral communication of their results.

Depending on the specific school and advisor students are interested in, their application will be folded into an existing program at that school. The program to which they are assigned will give them the chance to participate in seminars such as how to choose a graduate program, scientific ethics, and careers in science. Students may be asked to present their research in a formal poster session, and approved posters may be published on the CCE REU’s program website.

All undergraduate researchers will receive a minimum stipend of $5,000 for 10 weeks of participation. They will be provided with campus housing, should they need it. Some students may be given a housing allowance instead (certain advisors only). The exact dates of the program will depend on the school/advisor to which you are assigned, but the 10 week session will fall sometime between May 22 and August 1, 2018.

While the program is anchored in Atlanta at Georiga Tech, students may also be placed at the University of South Florida, Furman University, or The Scripps Research Institute.

More information and the application can be found on CCE’s website.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.