Leadership Council

This semester I was elected to the STEM EE Scholars leadership council.  While I have been in leadership roles before, I have never been in a position that I had to create events for such a large number of people.  Being in the position taught me how to take charge, properly use time management, and work with a council of others to put together large-scale events.  At the beginning of the semester, everybody was new to the position, so the first event put on was slightly disorganized and not ready by the time people were showing up.  However, by the end of the semester we were planning events weeks in advance so we could have everything ready by the time the event would happen.  I was required to take harder classes this semester than in the fall, so sometimes it was challenging to get to events and help plan them.  However, as a group we decided the times that would work best for everybody and met every other week so the council members would still have time to get their coursework completed.  We also had to work well as a council rather than making decisions by ourselves.  This was helpful due to having to plan and supervise many events.  The council planned events together and one or two people would take charge to supervise and get any materials needed to run the event.  This also helped with time management, because if one person had a busy schedule that week they were not required to attend or supervise the event, and they could take responsibility of another event.  Finally being in the council taught me how to improvise.  I was the Game and Sports Coordinator, so I tried to put together a volleyball team for the scholars league.  However, not many people were interested in volleyball and the other scholars programs did not put together teams either.  This gave me the idea to host a march madness bracket challenge with the members of our scholars program instead.  We had about twenty people join and many people enjoyed following the games in hopes to win a gift card by the end of the tournament.

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