Year in Review

I have grown socially, academically, and personally over the past year.  Coming from Pittsburgh, I had a few friends coming to Ohio State but I knew I would need to meet new people.  As the year ends, I have met people from all over Ohio, Connecticut, Pittsburgh, and Maryland.  I am actually rooming with three people that I did not know before coming to Ohio State next year.  I also had to adjust academically from my high school habits.  A lot of the homework was not graded so I had to have the discipline to do it myself in order to prepare myself for midterms.  I also had to study throughout the semester rather than the night before for any tests I would have.  There were times that I was stressed with the amount of work I had, but I was able to keep myself disciplined and studied rather than going out some weekends when I had too much to do.  Finally, a spot in the STEM EE Scholars Leadership Council has helped me grow as a person.  It has developed me into a leader and I have had to think of creative ways to advertise events with my fellow council members to ensure people would attend the events.  Overall, I had a very good year at Ohio State and I am already looking forward to coming back in the fall to grow as a person even more.

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