
Within my first week of Sophomore year, I assisted with the initiation week for the Freshman and led small groups. When we all initially introduced each other, there were multiple students who simplified their names for others to pronounce, instead of proudly stating the beautiful name they were born with. Simplifying or using “Americanized” names opened my eyes to the lack of acceptance toward Diversity. Ever since this moment, I have put extra effort toward making sure everyone in my surroundings and beyond feel included and accepted in all environments.

Studying Molecular Genetics, I am extremely interested in gene modifications and furthering my understanding of genetics. I am excited to one day work in a research lab with such practices.

Throughout my college courses, I have developed the skill of metacognition to fully process all of the information I am learning versus temporarily understanding. This method of studying has led me to reach my full academic potential in all of my classes, especially those relating to my field of Pre-Medicine.

Going back to in-person classes, I have reevaluated how to work with my peers in group projects and daily interactions with many different personality types. Since middle school I have attended leadership training and found the most efficient methods of communication, however this year has brought all new opportunities which have allowed me to further evolve and understand.

This year, I have been serving my time at a local food pantry for three hours a week where I help pack food and am able to see firsthand the gratitude on the faces of families in the community. An act as small as packing bags makes an impactful difference in someone’s livelihood. I am appreciative to see the direct significance by meeting the local families, however, service without seeing the direct impact is equally as important.