Assignment Homework 6 perspective reading and videos

  1. The reason you would youse 4 point perspective is because it is really close or extremely large.
  2. Find the center of a window by drawing two intersecting lines from the corners.
  3. In one person perspective when drawing a room use a diagonal line to find the height of the door.
  4. All the vertical lines should be strait.
  5. When drawing large drawings place a scrap of paper under you had so you don’t smudge the paper.
  6. Lines of the front of the building should be horizontal

Homework #9

The use of perspective was well executed for the most part. There could use more planning before the drawings. Even With sketches, small perspective mistakes can be found that are easily avoidable. Depth is the strongest aspect of the drawings used. You can really see the intended depth in drawings. The area I could work on the most is utilizing the whole page and finding opportunities to explore the page. More detail is one of the things that could be worked on. The biggest strength of all the artworks is the proportions of the objects compared to real life.