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Daniel Clowes’ drawing style is extremely interesting. It looks like it’s supposed to be extremely cartoony yet what you focus on them they have the appearance of realism. It’s like even though they are in the style of cartoons you could tell what the real-life person actually looks like. What interested me most is the meanings behind his work. I like the types of stories that break social norms and push that line in order to evoke thought. I think it’s important for people to express themselves as he did with his art. I thought that Charles Shultz is an interesting person and story. The fact that it’s so well known yet it has such a deeper message throughout it. I think these types of the artist along with the next one (Martin Rowson) does such an amazing job of this. These types of cartoons have a lot of satirical elements and try and bring out laughter in the depths of sad things. Political cartoons are one thing that I feel has evolved in the past few years. There is a new wave of the medium of political cartoons. There has been a lot of people creating satirical comedy videos that are posted on youtube that serve the same thing as a political cartoon. This modern twist is extremely interesting and learning about political cartoons was fascinating.

Homework 13 – The Secret of Drawing 3 – All in the Mind

The story on John Tchelenko and his eye tracker is fascinating. Figuring out how the brain works during the act of drawing is interesting to see the results. I could relate to when he said that he felt he had a lack of codes or practices. For people who are not as well versed in drawing when trying to draw an extremely complicated figure, you want to draw all the specifics of the figure but feel like you don’t know how to capture the complexities on the paper. John explained that the beginner tries to draw the lines that they see whereas the expert decides what the line is but using different methods. The eye tracker showed that the expert looks at the subject with purpose. Looking at the subject is extremely important. The next part that interested me was the part about Pablo Picasso. He attempted to explore how to draw like a 5-year-old. The reason for this is because children are unable to stop themselves from accessing their subconscious mind, to them, they are one in the same. This amount of creativity and ability to stop thinking and allow your mind to take over is fascinating to me. I am a very analytical person so this skill is foreign to me. Michael Landy seems odd. I thought it was interesting how he changed his style so fast. He even started creating sculptures. I thought its interesting how artists let the mediums choose them rather than wanting to choose their medium. 

Homework 12 – Reflection to Module 5 and Sketchbook Promtpts Assignment check 3

I think I fulfilled the requirements of collage. I think that capturing the work further out of the border is interesting. Being able to see the border makes the artwork pop out more. It gives the piece a little more distance. I think the texture of this artwork is a big strength. I think it also gives very clear imagery. I think the weakness is the material for the figure. The figure is meant to be made out of that bow but it is very hard to see contrasted with the background.

Homework 10 – Reflection response to project 7 for crit

I think the project went well overall. I think the project captured gestures but also captured the space of the area very well. It used gesture instead of only being gesture. I think this artwork activates the page very well. The curvature of the entrance allows the viewer to see the perspective and the gesture. I believe this is also the strength of the work. I think an additional strength is that the image is captivating and is up to interpretation. I think I could improve on the details. I could have worked more on the color in the middle of the drawing to better distinguish between inside and outside.