Module 7: Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

The most useful thing that I have learned in this module are the many tips and resources designed to help students avoid distractions and focus on their schoolwork. I find it very difficult to focus and do the things I need to do sometimes when I am doing my schoolwork due to distractions. However, because of the tips given by “Ways to Grow” (, I feel much more confident that I am able to implement those tips and do what I need to do to maximize my study time in the future. One example of something that I have already put into practice from this module is the use of one of the resources to help with focusing while studying, Noisli. As mentioned in another assignment, this web tool was extremely helpful as it allows the user to tailor exactly what they feel will be the best background noise for them as they study to help maximize their focus. Because of the options available, I didn’t have to settle for music or some other noise I didn’t like that much on YouTube. I would recommend for future students to implement the tips discussed in this module to help avoid distractions, and even use electronic resources such as apps to reduce cell phone use or web tools to make background noise so that they can get the most out of their studying and improve their academic performance.

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