My Curriculum Vitae provides an overview of my professional journey and accomplishments in clinical research. In addition to academic teaching, I have held key leadership roles in clinical research site management, NIH collaborations, industry collaborations, consultant, professional association committee membership and elected office.
Key clinical research publications (2003-present) are listed below:
Jones, C.J., Neidecker, M. Benner, J*, Jelinek, K.*(2016). Academic preparation for clinical research roles: A professional pathway. Clinical Researcher, Dec 2016. (In process)
Calvin-Naylor, N., Wartak, M., Jones, C. et al. (2016). Education and training of clinical and translational study investigators and research coordinators: a competency-based approach. Submitted March, 2016 to Journal of Clinical and Translational Science (pending review)
Sonstein, S., Silva, H., Jones, C., Yrivarren, J.L., Halloran, L., Calvin-Naylor, N. (2016). A global survey of self-assessed competency, role relevance and training needs for clinical and translational research professionals. (In process)
Jones, C.J., Gladson, B., Butler, J. (2015, October). Academic programs that produce clinical research professionals. DIA Global Forum, 7(5), 16-19. Online journal located at
Elias, B., Polancich, S., Jones, C., & Convoy, S. (2015, October). Evolving PICOT for the Digital Age: PICOT-D. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(10):5.
Silva, H., Sonstein, S., Stonier, P., Dubois, D., Gladson, B., Jones, C.T., Criscuolo, D., Daemen, E., Kesselring, G., Klech, H., Kingman, I. (2015). Alignment of competencies to address inefficiencies in medicines development and clinical research: Need for inter-professional education. Pharmaceutical Medicine, 29(3), 131-140. Located at DOI: 10.1007/s40290-012-0015-0097-3.
Sonstein, S.A., Seltzer, J., Li, R., Jones, C.T., Silva, H., Daemen, E. (2014, June). Moving form compliance to competency: A harmonized core competency framework for the clinical research professional. Clinical Researcher. 28(3); 17-23. DOI: 10.14524/CR-14-00002R1.1 Located at
Jones, C.T., Wilson, L.L. (2014). Clinical research nurses’ perceptions of research activities performed by unsupervised non-nurse clinical research coordinators. The Monitor, 28(1), 12-19.
Wilson, L.L., Crooks, E.A., Day, S., Dawson, M.A., Gakumo, A., Harper, D., Jones, C.T., McCarty, K., Theus, L. (2014). Global perspectives on nursing leadership: Lessons learned from an international nursing and healthcare leadership development program. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 4(2), 1-13.
Jones, C.T., Wilson, L.L. (2013). Role perceptions of nurse clinical research coordinators. Nursing: Research and Reviews, 3, 133-139.
Wilson, L.L., Rice, M., Jones, C.T., Joiner, C., LaBorde, J., McCall, K., Jester, P.M., Carter, S.C., Boone, C., Onwuzuligbo, U., Koneru, A. (2013). Enhanced research capacity for global health: Evaluation of a distance-based program for international study coordinators. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 33(1), 67-75.
Jones, C.T., Jester, P.M., Casey, B.D. (2012). Quality processes at the research site: setting the standard for education, safety and success. The Monitor, 26(5), 47-53.
Jones, C.T., Parmentier, J., Sonstein, S., Silva, H., Lubejko, B., Pidd, H., Gladson, B., Browning, S. (2012). Defining competencies in clinical research: Issues in clinical research education. Research Practitioner, 13(3), 99-107.
Jones, C.T., Jester, P.M., Fitz-Gerald, M. (2011). Issues in research management: Protocol challenges in the era of complexity. Research Practitioner, 12(4), 121-131.
Eagan, J. T., Jones, C.T. (2011). Radiation-induced skin cancer in a high-volume interventional cardiologist: a self-reported case. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention, 24(1), 49-55.
*Russell-Richerzhagen, L.J., *Salami, D., *Onwuzuligbo, U., Jones, C.T. (2011). Clinical research in Nigeria: evolving regulatory guidelines and cultural issues impacting studies in Nigeria. Research Practitioner, 12(3), 77-82.
Thomas Jones, C., Harrison, L., Carter, S., & Jester, P. M. (2009). Development and implementation of a distance-based certificate program in clinical research coordination for coordinators at low-resource international sites. Online Journal of Nursing Research, 9(1):9.
Thomas Jones, C., Harrison, L., Carter, S., & Jester, P. M. (2008). Describing clinical research manager education and training preferences among study coordinators. Research Practitioner, 9(6):202-211.
Carter, S.C., Jester, P. M., & Thomas Jones, C. (2007). Issues in clinical research manager education and training. Research Practitioner, 8(2):48-60.
Thomas Jones, C., Jester, P .M. & Harrison, L., (2006). Clinical research in low-resource countries: historical perspectives, issues and implications for research coordinator capacity building. Research Practitioner, 7(6):188-199.
Fowler, D. R., Thomas, C. J. (2003). Protocol acuity scoring as a rational approach to clinical research management. Research Practitioner, 4(2):64-71.
Fowler, D. R., Stolworthy, Y., Thomas, C. J. (2003). Using PDAs to enhance clinical research site operations. Research Practitioner, 4(4):144-148.
Thomas, C. J., Dean, T. B., Fowler, D. R. (2003). Quality Time: Finding time to develop and implement total quality management at the research site. Research Practitioner, 4(6):219-224.
*Publications with graduate students- as mentor/adviser.