weekly posts

week 15 (4/19/21 – 4/25/21)

  • Homework 15
    • Sketchbook Prompts Assignment check 4
  • Sketchbook
    • #22
  • Inspo
    • Henri Mattisse, Self Portrait, ink on paper, 1900

week 14 (4/12/21 – 4/18/21)

  • Project 11
    • GE Assignment Writing and Visual Work Completed for Presentation
  • Project 10
    • Cartoon
  • Sketchbook
    • #16
  • Inspo
    • James Rosenquist, Fast Feast, 1977, lithograph

week 13 (4/5/21 – 4/11/21)

  • Homework 14
    • The Secret of Drawing 2 – Storylines and Caitlin McGurk’s talk
  • Exercise 7
    • Planning cartoon
  • Sketchbook
    • #25
  • Inspo
    • my imagination

week 12 (3/29/21 – 4/4/21)

  • Homework 13
    • Sketchbook Prompts Assignment check 3
  • Project 9
    • pattern
  • Sketchbook
    • #24
  • Inspo
    • a summer night

week 11 (3/22/21 – 3/28/21)

  • Homework 11
    • Reflection Response to Module 4 and 5 for Crit
  • Homework 12
    • The Secret of Drawing 3 – All in the Mind
  • Sketchbook 
    • #26
  • Inspo
    • PANORAMIC VIEW of that part of Ratisbon west of the cathedral, painted in water-colors by G. Scharf, sen.; 1845. Paper; 6 ft. 1/2 in. X 1 ft.

week 10 (3/15/21 – 3/21/21)

  • Sketchbook 
    • #25
  • Inspo
    • Jack Kerouac, a painting made with house paint and glue.
  • Project 8
    • Collage of Key Memories

week 9 (3/8/21 – 3/14/21)

  • Homework 10
    • GE Assignment Writing and Drawing draft
  • Sketchbook
    • #27
  • Inspo
    • Ellen Gallagher’s Morphia, 2012

week 8 (3/1/21 – 3/7/21)

  • Exercise 6 
    • Gesture Drawing
  • Homework 8 
    • Reflection response to module 3. Your perspective drawings for critique
  • Homework 9
    • Sketchbook Prompts Assignment – check 2 week 8
  • Project 7
    • Planes in Space – Drawing from what you have learned so far
  • Sketchbook
    • #20
  • Inspo
    • black + white film

week 7 (2/22/21 – 2/28/21)

  • Exercise 5
    • Perspective outdoors
  • Project 6
    • Exterior Perspective Buildings in Landscape
  • Sketchbook
    • #17
  • Inspo
    • David Hockney, “Garden With Blue Terrace,” 2015.

week 6 (2/15/21 – 2/21/21)

  • Homework 7 
    • Complete GE Assignment writing – first draft
  • Project 5
    • Interior Perspective with value
  • Sketchbook
    • #7
  • Inspo
    • Hilma af Klint, Group IV, The Ten Largest, No. 2, Childhood (Grupp IV, De tio största, nr 2, Barnaåldern), 1907.

week 5 (2/8/21 – 2/14/21)

  • Exercise 4
    • Perspective Drawing Exercises
  • Homework 6
    • Perspective reading and videos with 7 bullet points
  • Project 4
    • Interior Perspective with line and viewfinder
  • Sketchbook
    • #13
  • Inspo
    • Jean Dubuffet, Leaves with Bird, 1953

week 4 (2/1/21 – 2/7/21)

  • Homework 4 
    • Sketchbook Prompts Assignment check 1 on week 4
  • Homework 5
    • GE assignment research
  • Project 3
    • Make a still life tonal drawing (Morandi)
  • Sketchbook
    • #3
  • Inspo
    • Louise Bourgeois, The Tapestry of My Childhood—Mountains in Aubusson, 1947

week 3 (1/25/21 – 1/31/21)

  • Execise 3
    • Value Scale
  • Homework 3
    • Value, Reading, Bullet Points, and Drawing
  • Project 2
    • Drawing a glass of water
  • Sketchbook
    • #5
  • Inspo
    • Eric White, The End

week 2  (1/18/21 – 1/24/21)

  • Exercise 2
    • Contour Drawing
  • Sketchbook
    • #9
  • Inspo
    • Kara Walker, Untitled, 1996
  • Project 1
    • Still Life

week 1  (1/11/21 – 1/17/21)

  • Exercise 1
    • contour and blind contour drawings
  • Homework 1
    • blog
  • Homework 2
    • The Secret of Drawing 1 – The Line of Enquiry
  • Sketchbook
    • #8
  • Inspo
    • Image of female hands by Leonardo da Vinci was made around 1474