Essential steps each instructor should take:

  1. Create your courses
    • Don’t worry, they’re not available to your students until you PUBLISH them!
    • Want to reuse a previous course? Simply copy the content over!
  2. Set a Home page (if your home page is set to “Activity Stream” please consider switching to “Modules”)
  3. Upload your syllabus using the Content Selector to link it to the Syllabus tool
  4. Build Modules to pull together related readings, videos, and/or assignments
  5. Clean up your course Navigation
    • Hide the tools that you aren’t using, like Chat, Collaborations, Lockdown Browser, etc.
    • It is a best practice to hide “Files” from your course navigation and use Modules for content organization. Leaving “Files” visible to students often leads to unintended access to certain pieces of course content.
  6. Check out Student View
    • This is an accurate representation of what your students see when they visit your course site, including what is or is not published
  7. Run the Link Validator to be sure you aren’t accidentally linking to resources stored where the students in this course CANNOT access them
  8. PUBLISH the course. This makes your course content available to your students!