Creating a QR Code Campaign

My idea for a QR poster is a relatively simple one. I often see the large boards in the hallways at Howlett highlighting some of the classes being offered that semester. I always wondered why they wait until the semester has started to put this sign up because most of these classes are full by then or I had no idea they were being offered. The QR poster I have in mind is just a simple poster with some information about HCS to attract non-HCS students and a QR code that leads directly to all the HCS courses being offered. In that link it tells you what semesters the courses are being offered, and you can click on the courses for a full description. I had only recently found out about this portion of the HCS website and relied on sifting through the buckeyelink > add classes page to see what HCS classes were being offered in the upcoming semester. This way it is easier to plan out classes for future semesters since you would know what semesters they are offered in, in addition to getting a nice synopsis about what the class entails and sometimes who teaches it. This poster could be posted across campus maybe catching the eye of students who do not know about the department, and giving them a full list of HCS classes to check out.

I first made the background red, then cut out two sections making them grey for the gradient text. I then added the CFAES, OSU, classroom picture and QR code. I then typed out the several text blocks and made each a different font and size. Finally I saved the poster as a jpeg then searched for a bulletin board on google images. When I found one I then made a new document enlarging the picture cutting out one of the bulletin board sections and pasting my flyer into it. This was the best way for me to get the details I wanted in the poster without having to make it too simple.



OSU Symbol:

CFAES symbol:

Bulletin board:




qr project5


poster on poster