Derek Verhoff:
- Main contact with our project Sponsor
- Arrange meetings and coordinate flow of information
- Logged all meeting minutes and documented what was discussed
- Created an Email Parser APEX Class
- The actual code that will pull apart data and create the cases
- Wrote test cases for Email Parser class
- Setup an Email Services platform
- Receives emails into the custom email address
Kumar Dhital:
- Initial research on Apex OOP langugage for Email Parser, test cases, and linking of Alexa Skills Kit, lambda function, and Salesforce
- Worked on merging every documentations and updating site
- Worked on Project Poster
- Wrote Test Cases for updating priority on cases based on email
- Wrote test cases for Lyric water leak and freeze detector by Honeywell
Jesse Buckley:
- Created Trello board and tasks – Scrum Master
- Created base Alexa skill using ASK (alexa skills kit)
- Created a lambda function in AWS integrated into ASK to access salesforce
- Linked lambda function, ASK, and salesforce
- Finished Alexa behavior to access salesforce
- GaveAlexa Skills access to other users
Vyyom Kelkar:
- Initial research on Arlo device and APIs
- Started the project workbook
- Wrote the Software Architecture Document with 4+1 architecture views
- Created triggers and validations for Arlo device
- Arlo device integration
- Initial research on custom objects and data links in SF
- Created Arlo custom object for email parsing
- Testing