“Inner Demons” by Pen Anders
“Memorandum” by Julian Robbins
When I was 9 years old, there was a mass shooting at my Church, the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church. While I did not directly witness the event, the shared memory of pain greatly influenced how I grew up, and eventually, my art. In “Memorandum” I take the viewer through the confusion and heartbreak of such an event, into the misty world of reflection through art.
“A Long Drive” by Rivka Ocho
― Jorge Luis Borges
“Night Market Memories” by Amanda Hsieh
“Antifa Co.” by Rivka Ocho
The political climate of the United States has been tumultuous, even more so for already marginalized communities. There has also been a string of conspiracy theories regarding the Trump administration and alt-right groups, including those that focus on anyone who opposes the current system in America. Antifascism, shortened to Antifa, has been a topic of confusion for some people, and many conservatives have even created a fantasy in which Antifa is a rigid organization of domestic terrorists who plot the destruction of the company. Anyone who knows what Antifa is knows that the previous statement is not only wrong but completely delusional.
Read Full Statement by Rivka Ocho
“Antifa Co: CABAL” by Rivka Ocho
The political climate of the United States has been tumultuous, even more so for already marginalized communities. There has also been a string of conspiracy theories regarding the Trump administration and alt-right groups, including those that focus on anyone who opposes the current system in America. Antifascism, shortened to Antifa, has been a topic of confusion for some people, and many conservatives have even created a fantasy in which Antifa is a rigid organization of domestic terrorists who plot the destruction of the company. Anyone who knows what Antifa is knows that the previous statement is not only wrong but completely delusional.
Read Full Statement by Rivka Ocho
“Mio2020” by Ada Huang
“Home” by Pen Anders
“Cooking” by Joshua Lee
“What’s Next” by Lucia Perfumo
“Interview with a Tiefling” by Alejandro Peregrina
“Are You Ready?” by Annabella Red
“What Will You Remember” by Annabella Red
What will you remember?
“Heroes End Lonely” by Annabella Red
Everyone’s sacrifices up until this point will come to fruition and life will continue on long after the departure.
Prepared or not, it’s time to go on alone, into the abyss and find the glimmer to enlighten the world.
Heroes always have lonely endings, it does not make their sacrifices any less.
“Horror, Beauty, Revulsion” by Julian Robbins
“Horror, Beauty, Revulsion” is a critique of the heavy use of sex in horror film genre, especially the sexualized torture of women. By overlaying and overlapping these shots with scenes of rot and decay in an aesthetically pleasing way, “Horror, Beauty, Revulsion” invokes a blurring of repulsion and attraction, and forces the audience to examine what they find attractive, aesthetically pleasing, and why.
All the footage used in “Horror, Beauty, Revulsion” is licensed under a creative commons attribution license or is public domain in the United States- either from its copyright expiring or not being renewed after the 1976 copyright act, or the 1988 Berne convention implementation act. The audio is “Witch Image,” by the band Ghost.