Final Strategic Life Plan

Through my strategic life plan with the Health Sciences Scholars, I have learned what my projected classes will be for my microbiology major over the next four years. If I should not succeed in microbiology, I have fallback plans of astronomy and astrophysics. If I should not be accepted into medical school, I always have the options to be an x-ray technician or physical therapist. The Ohio State University campus has many resources I can use for advice or consultations regarding my career including the School of Arts and Sciences Career Center as well as the Younkin Success Center. In order to stay healthy, I need to focus on all of the elements of wellness and not only physical and intellectual wellness. I must devote time to my emotional and spiritual wellness, in particular, including potential meditation, yoga and an increased amount of sharing my feelings and not being afraid to cry. I also need to pay attention to the time logistics of my extracurricular involvement to avoid an overloaded schedule and resulting stress. I am always able to talk to my academic advisers, professors, upperclassmen friends and student consultation services whenever I need assistance. If I ever feel overwhelmed, I am able to use these resources for relief and advice. I plan to continue to grow in the foundations of my beliefs and opinions during my time at The Ohio State University. I hope that it will allow me to form firm and educated opinions on political and social issues.



[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]