Academic Enrichment: Informational Interview

I interviewed a fourth year medical student to learn better about the field of medicine and medical school. He was very informative and helpful in explaining the application process and how each year of medical school progresses, as well as how he prepared during his undergraduate career. He explained that Year 1-2 is similar to undergrad and involves extensive studying and academics; Year 3 is the hardest and most intensive part of medical school, involving rotations which can be very stressful and time-consuming; Year 4 is the easiest and most relaxing. He gave some helpful tips for medical school applications, including where to focus my efforts, to apply to a large number of schools, and to make sure I know “why I want to be a doctor” and the “story” of my pursuit into college and medicine. He talked about some classes which can be helpful in undergrad, and emphasized the importance of preparing with Anatomy and Physiology, before the intensive courses which take place in medical school. Classes like Art and Pottery can also help in tuning fine motor skills.

MEDLIFE Mobile Clinic and Leadership Corps

From May 16-28, 2017, I attended the MEDLIFE Leadership Corps (Medicine, Education and Development in Low-Income Families Everywhere) in Lima, Peru and various locations in Ecuador (Riobamba, Quito, San Juan de Jillo). The trip primarily consisted of mobile clinics in Ecuador and a development project in Lima, in addition to touring local hospitals and clinics, and learning about the health care systems.

I took blood pressures, temperatures, heights and weights, while practicing my Spanish with patients at the clinic’s triage station. I also assisted with the pharmacy, and shadowed a physician and dentist on the clinic. In Lima, we focused on building a staircase up the mountains of Pamplona, to allow for water access and easier travel for members of the community.