About Me


My name is Sydney Calesaric and I’m an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. I am currently studying neuroscience, and I intend to continue my education in a Psychology Graduate Program next fall. I’m very interested in the biological aspect of the mind, and how that impacts our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. I am also working as an intern for the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers. I have worked with them part time for two years now, and I am currently working on multiple projects for their Behavioral Health Division. This organization helps bring medical care of all types to those who would not normally have access, whether it be because they are uninsured, in a rural community, and so on. This is another passion of mine, and something I hope to bring with me in future career, and that is increasing access to behavioral health professionals.

Aside from school and work, you can find me reading anywhere and everywhere. I never leave my house without a book in hand. I also enjoy watching football (Go Bucks!), and practicing yoga. I am currently a 200 hour yoga certified teacher, and I am about to partake in my next teacher training this winter. I also do everything I can to be outside, whether it’s studying by the pool in the summer, finding new trails to hike, walking along a beach, and so on. I can always find a moment of peace when I’m in nature, and I strive to get fresh air every day. I’ve recently begun practicing with photography as well, although currently still a newbie I do enjoy that as well (some of my pictures are below).


I am super excited about my future, and all of the that I’ve begun to put into action, but I hope to continue to enjoy each moment along the way. I believe we can always keep growing as individuals, therefore the journey should be appreciated.