Reflection papers & Take aways

Reflection week1

Description: Learning online.

Reflection Week2

Description: Goal setting and Motivation management.

Reflection Week3

Description: Online collaboration.

Reflection week4

Description: Time, Task & Environment Management.

Reflection Week5

Description: Information Searching & Resource Management.

Reflection Week6

Description: Build up your knowledge.

  1. Using technologies like buckeye box, Trello to improve the study efficiency.
  2. Some strategies for maintaining motivation and progress toward my goals, like creating a visual map of my goals.
  3. How to efficiently collaborate online, and how to manage conflict. (Recipe for Success of an Online Group Project)
  4. Ways of writing an effective email. (Grammar, words)
  5. How to take notes and read online effectively. (Abbreviation, Active note-taking, Note taking models.)