
Recent Presentations from Members of the CABI Lab

Lundine, J.P., Ciccia, A., Hagen, E.*, & Viola, N.* (30 March, 2024) School Transition After Traumatic Brain Injury (STATBI) – Caregiver perspectives on services for students. [Research Presentation]. North American Brain Injury Society Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Lundine, J.P., McCart, M., & Eagan-Johnson, B. (28 March, 2024). NASHIA’s Collaborative on Children’s Brain Injury: Working to improve national educational support for children with brain injury. [Poster Presentation]. North American Brain Injury Society Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Lundine, J.P. (11 March, 2024). Incorporating real-life assessment and intervention strategies into home and school for young people with brain injury [Clinical & Research talk]. Ottawa Area (Michigan) Intermediate School District TBI Transition team. (invited talk)

Viola, N.*, Nemeth, J., Kirihara, S.*, Lundine, J.P. (1 March 2024). The role of self-regulation in smoking cessation: Selected findings from a scoping review [Poster Presentation]. Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research Forum, Columbus, Ohio.

Lundine, J.P. (23 February, 2024). School Experiences of Students and Families with Traumatic Brain Injury [Online webinar] Center for Brain Injury Research and Training, (invited talk)

Viola, N.*, Nemeth, J., Lundine, J.P. (26 January 2024). Profile of executive functioning and lifetime history of acquired brain injury in young adults experiencing homelessness: A pilot study [Poster Presentation]. Equity and Justice Symposium, Columbus, Ohio.

Riccardi, J.S., Viola, N.*, Ciccia, A., & Lundine, J.P. (11 Jan 2024). Fatigue, sleep disruption, and fogginess: Presence and impact on executive functioning and social relations after childhood TBI. [Research presentation]. International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.

Hagen, E.*, Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Ciccia, A., & Lundine, J.P. (11 Jan 2024). Call to action: Promoting change to support research and policy needs for children with TBI. [Panel Presentation]. International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.

Lundine, J.P., Ciccia, A., Dart, L., Hagen, E.*, & Viola, N.* (17 Nov, 2023). School Transition After Traumatic Brain Injury (STATBI) – Support, academic, health, and social outcomes for students [Research Presentation]. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Boston, MA.

Anderson, S.*, Kaple, S.*, Tonyan, N., Lundine, J., DiGiovine, C. P., Patterson, E. S., Swearingen, S., & Darragh, A., (2023, April 20-23). A systematic review of bus travel training programs to identify active ingredients for learning among transition-age youth with cognitive deficits. [Research Poster]. American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.

Anderson, S.*, Lundine, J., Stamper, T., Pierce, S., & Darragh, A., (2023, April 20-23). Perceptions of home safety concerns for adolescents with acquired brain injuries among clinicians, caregivers, and the adolescents themselves. [Research Poster]. American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.

Anderson, S.*, Lundine, J., Pierce, S., Stamper, T., & Darragh, A., (2023, April 20-23). Stakeholder perceptions of the usefulness, usability, and desirability of a virtual training system for adolescents with brain injuries. [Research Poster]. American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.

Lundine, J.P., Dart, L., Eagan-Johnson, B., Hagen, E., Nagele, D., Vaccaro, M., Viola, N., & Ciccia, A. (1 April, 2023). Exploration of the experience of students, families, and providers for children with TBI before age 5: Themes from semi-structured interviews [Symposium]. International Brain Injury Association 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland.

Ciccia, A., Dart, L.*, Eagan-Johnson, B., Hagen, E.*, Nagele, D., Vaccaro, M., Viola, N.*, & Lundine, J.P. (1 April, 2023). Exploration of the experience of students, families, and providers for children with TBI before age 5: Academic, health, and social performance [Symposium]. International Brain Injury Association 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland.

Dart, L.*, Eagan-Johnson, B., Hagen, E.* Nagele, D., Vaccaro, M., Viola, N.*, Lundine, J.P., & Ciccia, A. (1 April, 2023). Family functioning following early childhood brain injury: parent and child perspectives [Research Presentation]. International Brain Injury Association 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland.

Lundine, J.P., Huling, J., & Leonard, J.C. (31 March, 2023). Development of a pediatric functional status e-score for children with neurologic injuries and illnesses. [Poster Presentation]. International Brain Injury Association 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland.

Davies, S. & Lundine, J.P., (2023, February 7-10). Care coordination for students with traumatic brain injuries. [Research Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Denver, CO.

Lundine, J.P. (10 March, 2023). Facilitating transitions: Hospital to rehab, rehab to school. [Symposium] Brain Health Collaboratory Symposium: Care Coordination for Youth with Traumatic Brain Injuries, Dayton, OH.

Wade, S., & Lundine, J.P. (17-19 Nov, 2022). Implementation of Teen Online Problem-Solving program for adolescents with acquired brain injuries: Role of SLPs. [Oral Seminar]
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.

Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Suskauer, S., Eagan Johnson, B., Wiseman-Hakes, C., & Lundine, J.P. (22-24 September, 2022). Taking action for children with TBI: Description of results from Galveston Brain Injury Conference on Pediatric TBI. [Symposium] International Paediatric Brain Injury Society & North American Brain Injury Society Joint Conference on Brain Injury, New York, NY.

Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Suskauer, S., Beauchamp, M., Ciccia, A., Lundine, J.P., & Eagan Johnson, B. (22-24 September, 2022). Traumatic brain injury in preschool children. [Symposium] International Paediatric Brain Injury Society & North American Brain Injury Society Joint Conference on Brain Injury, New York, NY.

Wade S., Lundine, J.P. (21 September, 2022). Teen Online Problem-Solving therapy for adolescents with TBI: Training and International Applications. [Pre-conference session] International Paediatric Brain Injury Society & North American Brain Injury Society Joint Conference on Brain Injury, New York, NY.

Lundine, J.P. (2 August, 2022). Key stakeholder perspectives to improve care for youth with brain injury. [Webinar] Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences.

Lundine, J.P. (28 July, 2022). Realities of the recovery journey after pediatric brain injury: Perspectives from caregivers, youth, and providers. [Webinar] Brain Injury Association of America.

Ciccia, A. & Lundine, J.P. (6 May, 2022). Concussions and return to learn: School transition after traumatic brain injury. [Oral Seminar] Ohio Athletic Trainers Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Lundine, J.P. (7 April, 2022). Functional strategies for assessment of cognitive-communication skills in the classroom for students with TBI. [Symposium] Indiana Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Lundine, J.P. (7 April, 2022). Promoting successful hospital-to-school transitions for youth with TBI. [Symposium] Indiana Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Lundine, J.P., & McCart, M. (18 March, 2022). Care for kids following brain injury: Healthcare to School. [Online webinar] Center for Brain Injury Research and Training,

Riccardi, J., Crook, L., Iske, T., Ciccia, A., & Lundine, J.P. (November, 2021). Services for elementary and middle school students with early childhood brain injury. Oral seminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Washington, D.C.

Crook, L., Riccardi, J., Lundine, J.P., & Ciccia, A. (November, 2021). The roles of social communication, executive functioning, and family functioning in child participation after TBI. Oral seminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Washington, D.C.

Ciccia, A., Nagele, D., & Lundine, J.P. (November, 2021). Return-to-school after pediatric TBI: School Transition After Traumatic Brain Injury (STATBI) – Year 1 Results. Oral seminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Washington, D.C.

Crook, L., Riccardi, J., Ciccia, A., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., & Lundine, J.P. (November, 2021). Traumatic brain injury in young and school-aged children: Implications for two scoping reviews. Technical session presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Washington, D.C.

Lundine, J.P. (September, 2021). Functional strategies for assessing & treating executive functions in the classroom for students with brain injury. Invited talk for the Annual Mark Ylvisaker Symposium presented at the American College of Rehabilitation Medicine. Virtual Conference. (Invited Talk)

O’Brien, K., Wallace, T., Hardin, K., Norman, R., & Lundine, J.P. (September, 2021). Cognitive-communication and mild traumatic brain injury: The state of the evidence. Symposium presented at the American College of Rehabilitation Medicine. Virtual Conference.

Ciccia, A., Lundine, J.P., Nagele, D., Glang, A., Unruh, D., & McCart, M. (September, 2021). Return to school following traumatic brain injury. Symposium presented at the American College of Rehabilitation Medicine. Virtual Conference.

Pappadis, M.R., Flanagan, J.E., Hreha, K.P., Kajankova, M., Lundine, J.P., Doria, N., Grover, R., & Cai, X. (September, 2021). Traumatic brain injury education for children and adolescents with TBI, families and caregivers: A systematic scoping review. Poster presented at the American College of Rehabilitation Medicine. Virtual Conference.

Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Beauchamp, M., & Lundine, J.P. (July, 2021). Traumatic brain injury in preschool children: The injury, symptoms, outcomes, and impact on family. Symposium presented at the International Brain Injury Association 14th Biennial World Congress on Brain Injury. Virtual Conference.

Lundine, J.P., Ciccia, A.H., & Naegle, D. (July, 2021). School transition after traumatic brain injury (STATBI): COVID-19 impacts on support services for students with TBI. Oral presentation at the International Brain Injury Association 14th Biennial World Congress on Brain Injury. Virtual Conference.

Snedaker, K.P., Lundine, J.P., O’Brien, K.H., Ciccia, A.H., & Haider, M.N. (July, 2021). Gaps in concussion management across school-aged children. Oral presentation at the International Brain Injury Association 14th Biennial World Congress on Brain Injury. Virtual Conference.

Koterba, C., Lundine, J.P., Busch, T., Benkhart, R., Horn, T., de Silva, A., Orton, K., & Taylor, H.G. (March, 2021). Long-term outcomes of severe pediatric TBI. Presentation at the Brain Injury Association of Ohio 2021 TBI Summit, Columbus, Ohio. (virtual conference).

Malandraki, G.A., Mitchell, S., Hahn Arkenberg, R., Brown, B., Lundine, J.P., Burdo-Hartman, W., Craig, B., & Goffman, L. (March, 2021). The neuromuscular control of swallowing and speech in unilateral CP: Overactivation and lack of specificity are overlapping traits. Poster presented at the Virtual Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting.

Malandraki, G.A., Mitchell, S., Brown, B., Hahn Arkenberg, R., Lundine, J.P., Burdo-Hartman, W., Craig, B., & Goffman, L. (March, 2021). Feeding skills & eating efficiency are reduced in self-feeding school-age children with unilateral CP: An unrecognized reality. Symposium presented at the Virtual Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting.