Advice about Concussion Treatment for Children

Consumer Reports | Sep 21, 2017
Most children who experience a blow to the head that leads to concussion recover well, within a week to two, says Robert Cantu, M.D., clinical professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Boston University Medical School and co-founder of its CTE Center. But what’s the appropriate concussion treatment? Here’s what experts advise if your child or teenager sustains a concussion while playing contact sports such as tackle football, soccer, or hockey.

Teen Concussion Update

NPR | Sep 29, 2017
A new analysis of data confirms what many doctors fear — that concussions start showing up at a high rate in teens who are active in contact sports. About 20 percent of teens said they have been diagnosed with at least one concussion. And nearly 6 percent said they’ve been diagnosed with more than one, according to a research letter published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.