The final assignment for the Visual Principle class was redesigning chess game pieces while collaborating with a partner. We were asked to create 3D crafted pieces or slice forms for each piece. The research for this project was to get to know my partner, Danny, who has been in the same tablemates since last semester. Danny was the classmate who I felt most comfortable with, and we shared similar design principles. Just like the previous project, we were asked to complete Collab-O Miro Board to get to know each other better and break the ice.
Then we were asked to learn about chess, such as the roles of each piece and the rules. I used to play chess when I was young and felt pretty comfortable with the rules and each piece’s role, but I did careful research since there were rules I did not know, and the roles (status) of pieces were way much different than I thought. After the research, my partner and I played to experience playing chess and get closer to each other.
The first exercise our class did was playing chess jeopardy with a partner to examine our knowledge. I was not fast enough to answer the questions first but fortunately knew most of the answers due to careful research. The second exercise was to make a slice form with the partner. It was the first time for us to make a slice form, so we decided to make a penguin slice form that could easily be crafted. The craft did not come out well, but it helped us understand the mechanisms and the methods of crafting.
The first idea that came to my mind when I heard what this project was about was an American football. The formation of chess pieces and football players looked alike, and each piece was very similar to some positions in football.
I thought football would be a great option until thinking about crafting. Football players all wear helmets, jerseys, and cleats. It is hard to distinguish which player is who because they all look the same with the equipment on. When making pieces as players, it would be hard to recognize which piece is which, and the crafting method would be almost the same for all of the pieces. Therefore, I left this idea behind.
My partner provided various ideas, such as pirate, totem pole, and Roman column. I started imagining the narrative and mechanism of slice forms from these ideas, but it was challenging for me to create clear stories or narratives. After thinking about other ideas, cultural differences suddenly flashed into my mind. Danny is from China, and I am from Korea, so I thought showing each other’s countries using chess pieces was a good way to show ourselves as international students and also was a great way to show and tell about our culture. I was also excited to take advantage of being a foreign student this time and thought this was it.
However, my partner claimed culture would be hard to craft out since architecture was involved in this idea. I told him that we did not have to create many architectural slice forms, but he still did not show interest. The fact that we were running out of time and other groups started making pieces had me nervous, so we had a group meeting with the instructor. After finishing the meeting, we finally decided on the idea to be life versus death.
My partner wanted to do death by making skeleton slice forms, and I decided to do life by doing animal hierarchy.
- King: human
- Humans are not the physically strongest animal in the world, just like King can only move only a single square, but they rule animals and are on top of the hierarchy.
- Queen: lion
- Lions are known as the highest predators on Earth. They can kill other animals whenever they want to, just like a queen. They are also fast, and active animals as the queen can move unlimited squares and go straight, back, diagonal, and side.
- Rook: Dog
- Dogs are known as friendly animals, but they can kill other animals with their strengths. Rooks is a piece whose initial performance is significantly limited by the same team’s pieces blocking their path. However, when there is open space, they become strong and active, just like dogs get active and fast when they are in open areas like grass fields.
- Dogs usually let their owners know when there is a disaster and try to evacuate them. The rule “castling” is similar to this case as Rooks can help the King evacuate and escape to the corner.
- Bishop: Horse
- Horses are fast and active animals like Bishop can move unlimited squares. Bishop becomes more threatening and active as the game progresses into the latter part of the game as horses have good stamina compared to other animals.
- Knight: Kangaroo
- Kangaroos can jump up to 10 feet high as Knights can jump over pieces. Their physical look is also similar to each other.
- Pawn: Egg
- Eggs are not animals but can be animals in the future. Eggs are weak and fragile, just like pawns can only move forward only a single or two squares. However, pawns become more threatening and dangerous pieces as the game reaches the latter part. Pawns can promote to another piece when they reach the other side of the board as eggs can turn into birds (promoting the status and getting much stronger) when they try their best to break themselves and to be born like pawns try their best to reach the other side.
I started making vector files for each piece. I tested out the prototype first and realized the piece was unstable when making it with cardstock. So I changed the material to chipboard. The thickness of the chipboard was about 0.03 inches, so I made the squares (where the chipboard overlapped each other) with the same thickness.
I first made an egg slice form as a prototype. I made the egg slice form with two layers of paper at first, but it did not stand up and kept falling, so I made ten layers of slice form. With this thickness, the egg stood up and maintained its form.
Then I drew out a human figure assembly view. Using Adobe Illustrator, I took advantage of the mirror feature to make the figure, so when I drew the left part of the body, the right part automatically got drawn out.
For dogs and lions, I made them a little more complicated to distinguish one from another since their appearance is similar to each other.
Then I made the assembly views for the kangaroo and the horse.
Below images are chess pieces final images