
it’s a small world after all…

My scholars program, Humanities Scholars has challenged me to transcend my comfort zone on a variety of occasions. In this instance, we were assigned to create a video centered on the theme “It’s A Small World After All.” My group consisted of myself, Kelly Nguyen, Autumn Conner, and Chandrika Janumpalli. We chose to approach answering this question by conducting interviews with a people from a variety of backgrounds. Even though the world is ginormous and incredibly diverse, similarities still exists among humans. We all have dreams, pet peeves, hope to improve ourselves, and experience love. This project opened my eyes to all the people I see every day. Everyone has his or her own story, but you’ll never know it unless you walk up to them and strike up a conversation. Although this project was stressful, I’ve become much more comfortable meeting new people and understand the power of conversation; for that, I am thankful for this project. Our video satisfies the Original Inquiry portion of G.O.A.L.S.

meet kennedy: humans of OSU

Interview with Kennedy, a biology major at OSU on October 17, 2017.

Kennedy performing a pirouette in a campus dance room. Taken by Brooke Butler.


“I want to be remembered as someone who gave another person hope in themselves so they can find a passion in themselves they didn’t know they were interested in. Specifically dance for me, I didn’t know that that would be my passion or part of who I am until I tried it. It’s stress relieving and it’s how I found my calling—Kinesiology, the study of body movement. I want to make a nonprofit in the future geared toward any student who wants to attend professional dance classes, specifically ballet. In ballet you learn how your body should be correctly utilized in a specific movement. Nowadays in contemporary people just kind of move their bodies around without understanding the purpose each body part holds. With those dance classes they would also attend science classes like biology, chemistry, kinesiology, anatomy so they can actually correlate what they’re doing in dance class with what they’re learning in class. It’s a more fun way to learn.”

Kennedy can be reached at

my first week at OSU (2017)


On August 15, 2017, I began my journey at The Ohio State University. I moved in four days earlier than most freshmen because I participated in the Morrill Scholars Early Arrival Program. Filled with new tastes, places, and faces; I engaged in several thought-provoking dialogues about race, politics, and life. Furthermore, I made new friends and explored the campus before the rest of student body arrived.

After a week of exploration, school began and I began to feel overwhelmed. I felt anxious about my social life and academics. I ate alone a few times those first few days because I was too scared to ask people to eat with me, but eventually I  began to speak up. In terms of academics, I was scheduled to take 18 credit hours for the semester. I was unable to audition for any music groups or take any classes involving the arts because of my full schedule. After a lot of thinking I decided to speak up and seek the advice of upperclassmen and my academic advisor. After meeting with them, I decided to drop a class. Because my goal is not to attend medical school, my advisor reassured me that I would not be behind for my major. That week I learned that good things happen to those who ask.

On the other hand, as a Humanities Scholar I expect to nourish my hunger to learn about people and to explore the arts in the Columbus area and beyond. I’m excited to go to Chicago in October and hope to travel to New York next semester as well. My goal this semester  is to continue to grow as a person, a student, and as an artist. But I won’t be able to obtain the things I want without asking.

Some pictures from my first week:

My first smoothie at the RPAC.


After spending the morning with fellow Morrill Scholars raking mulch around trees to protect them from flooding at Lou Berliner Park, we enjoyed a few hours exploring COSI. This is a picture of the famous pendulum found in the entry way of the museum.


Taken while running around campus on a timed scavenger hunt organized by MSP. My team won by the way(;


Taken after eating a delicious steak sub from Apollo’s, a Greek restaurant on High Street.

welcome to my honors & scholars e-portfolio


My name is Brooke Butler and I am a freshman here at Ohio State. I am a first-year member of Humanities Scholars  with a love for music, photography, and learning. I hope to study music education with the School of Music in Autumn 2018. I will be sharing aspects of my life as a Buckeye using this blog. Enjoy!



greetings !

Brooke Butler is a music education major from Ohio. Her passions include problem solving, self-improvement, music, photography, minimalism, and aesthetics. She is a Humanities Scholar, Morrill Scholar, an Office Assistant at Baker Hall East, and a Student Steward at Traditions at Kennedy. After college, she aspires to serve as a high school band director composing for a variety of music ensembles.