BuckeyeThon 2019

On February 9, 2019, I joined my fellow Buckeyes to do something that was truly amazing.  For twelve hours straight we danced, sang and had a blast all while raising money for Nationwide Children Hospital. The money that we raised will be used to help put a stop to pediatric cancer and support the families of children who are fighting their brave battle with cancer every day. As a part of the Dunn Sports and Wellness Scholars orange team, my friends and I decked ourselves out in orange and many of us even sported tutus– including the guys. Throughout the day I bounced around to different rooms in the Ohio Student Union and participated in fun activities like the silent disco, a pushup competition, and square dancing lessons. My two favorite parts of the experience were listening to the families of the children share their empowering stories and getting to dance on stage with the Miracle Makers. Throughout the day, multiple families stepped up to share their cancer stories with the students. Hearing the parents discuss the heartbreak that they have experienced watching their child suffer was extremely humbling and made me feel proud for having been a part of such a powerful thing. Additionally, each student who had raised $1,000 or more was given a special pass to get up on the stage and dance during Rave Hour in front of everyone. I was nervous at first but after I got up on stage I could feel the utter joy of the atmosphere around me and I had an awesome time. Overall participating in BuckeyeThon was a service experience that I will never forget. The students who participate in the dance marathon are making an amazing impact on the lives of those affected by cancer. The more that I danced, the less it felt like I was doing volunteer work. While I was up on that stage I felt empowered and grateful to be a part of such an amazing school community that provided me with an opportunity to make such a big change. During the closing ceremony, it was announced that we had raised $1,704,184 to help fight pediatric cancer. In participating in BuckeyeThon and dancing “For The Kids” it is my hope is that one day parents will no longer have to hear the dreaded three words, “Your child has cancer” and instead they will be able to hear the most amazing three words, “We have a cure.”

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