On August 25, 2018 I participated in Ohio State’s Pay It Forward Community Commitment Day where over 1,000 students volunteered at 50 different service sites around the city of Columbus. I spent my day volunteering at the Indianola Informal K-8 Columbus City School where I tended to the school’s CommUNITY Garden. Idianola Informal School follows the Columbus City School Curriculum however the teachers work hard to fosters student’s interests and enhance their experiences by emphasizing learning through art and music as well as hands-on activities like gardening and cooking. Amy Hill, the volunteer coordinator, and teacher talked to us about these programs particularly emphasizing how students are educated about food production and food waste via the on-campus garden. She gave us a tour and even let us try some edible grasses, berries, and vegetables that grew in abundance within the garden. Over the course of six hours, I helped pull weeds and get rid of any invasive plants that were detrimental to the health of the garden. In addition, we tended to the compost bins and laid a new path of mulch. As a result of my service, I learned that even small acts such as tending to a garden can have a huge impact on the local community and the people who benefit from it. The additional parents and teachers who were assisting us in refurbishing the garden were extremely grateful for our help and emphasized how happy the students would be to see their beloved garden fresh and ready to learn in. Because of service learning, I am able to commit myself to the members of my local community and expand my leadership capabilities all while working alongside my friends.