
I plan to fulfill the G.O.A.L.S for Honors & Scholars by addressing each part of the acronym both individually and holistically. Beginning with Global Awareness, I think that a possible Global May Term may open my eyes more to the diversity that exists in the world. The Global May Uganda trip appeals heavily to me, as I’ve always wanted to understand more about African culture, and how that has influenced all the other countries in the world. I believe that I already have a large understanding for how each culture and person is unique and has different things to bring to the table with interesting perspectives, however I will never deny the fact that we can always learn more. I have experienced different cultures before, and I believe that this aspect of the G.O.A.L.S will be a very intriguing topic for me because of the love I have for understanding people and their backgrounds. As far as Original Inquiry goes, I plan to get involved in some kind of research either while here at the Ohio State University, or studying aboard somewhere. There are amazing Professors conducting fascinating research here that I could see myself being a part of. However, since my major is Neuroscience, there are also a lot of opportunities to do research abroad, especially in Europe. The Academic Enrichment portion of the G.O.A.L.S is something that I will be working on throughout anything that I do. I will approach this aspect holistically, and not only go about seeking difficulty in my classes, but also seeking challenging experiences for myself that will allow me to grow in new ways. I chose Neuroscience on the Pre-Med Track because I do want a challenge, and I do want to be able to increase my knowledge through the rigorous courses I take. As far as Leadership Development goes, I have already begun placing myself in positions to be involved and be a leader. I am on the Global Awareness and Leadership Development Team of the Honors Community Council, which is allowing me to have a close community of fellow leaders, as well as allowing me to speak for my peers. I am involved in the Women in Surgery Empowerment Club, which inspires me to look up to influential women in this field, and one day I aspire to be like them. This club promotes leadership in my everyday life, because I am continuously striving for goals that I now know are attainable. For Service Engagement, I want to get involved in the Rally Cap Sports and Adopt-A-School Clubs to work with children. I love forming bonds with kids who may not get the love and attention they need elsewhere. I also want to do Medical related service at a hospital back home over the summers, and volunteer at a Columbus hospital during the school years. All together, these G.O.A.L.S are guidelines to help us achieve great things, and I think that by keeping them in mind, I can work to be the best person I can be. I will make a great effort to maintain focus on these G.O.A.L.S throughout my college career, and also through the rest of my life.

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